It's Time for a Tea Party!
Posted by Bobby Eberle
March 9, 2009 at 6:31 am

When the colonists threw boxes of tea into Boston Harbor, their message was clear: no taxation without representation. The frustration had built to the boiling point and action needed to be taken.

A similar movement is building across America. President Obama is moving his socialist agenda through Congress and into American life, and it needs to be stopped. Faster than any president in American history, Obama has just spent over a trillion dollars that America does not have, and now he wants to pay for it by raising taxes. Enough is enough!

Obama has only been in office less than two months and has already signed on for over a trillion dollars in spending. There is the "stimulus" bill, the mortgage bill, and on and on. Every time there is a problem in this country, the Obama administration calls for more spending. Do he and his fellow liberals have so little faith in the American people? Given more of our own money in our pockets, I'm sure the American people could figure out how to get the economy going. We don't need government telling us how our money will be spent, what charities are "worthy," and what projects are more important.

To call attention to all this spending (and the taxes that will follow), the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party is being organized by a collaboration of grassroots organizations, and GOPUSA is doing its job to help spread the word.

One of the main organizations, the DontGo Movement, put out a press release with more details:

Building on the success of the Nationwide Chicago Tea Parties held [in February] in multiple cities around the nation, conservative grassroots organizations and free market activists will once again come together on April 15th to protest out-of-control government spending. Timed to coincide with the date by which Americans must pay their federal income taxes, the Tax Day Tea Party effort will be coordinated by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter and the DontGo Movement (, in addition to other center-right activist groups.

Plans are under way for rallies to take place in nine American cities, with more sites to be added in the coming weeks. The goal of these protests is to call attention to the unprecedented wasteful spending by Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration.

When asked about the need for nationwide rallies based on the Boston Tea Party of 1773, Eric Odom, Chairman of the DontGo Movement, remarked, "Building on the free market ideas of our founding fathers, and embracing the passion they shared to bring them to light, the Nationwide Tea Party Movement is giving voice to tens of thousands of Americans." Added Stacy Mott, President of Smart Girl Politics, "Average Americans do not support mortgaging away our children’s futures, and the time to speak out against it is now."

Information on The Tax Day Tea Party can be found at

Please help spread the word.

And since these "revolts" will be held on tax day, here are a few words on taxes:

Rather than stimulating the economy by cutting taxes for all and letting Americans choose what to do with it, Obama put the decisions in government hands. To him, the government knows best, and the taxpayers will pay for it. Obama is using the politics of class warfare to set the stage for raising taxes. He gives speeches saying how "only" this percentage of wage earners will be affected or "only" that percentage of small businesses.

First of all raising taxes on a select group of people is just plain wrong. The general public has been duped by the media and the liberals in Congress into thinking the "rich" guy somehow doesn't pay his "fair share" of taxes. They perpetuate this notion, so that when taxes are raised, there is no outcry. Most Americans don't know that the top wage earners pay 35% of their income to the government. That's 35%!!! Here are the other income tax brackets for married, filing jointly:

0 to $16,050 --> 10%
$16,050 to $65,110 --> 15%
$65,100 to $131,450 --> 25%
$131,450 to $200,300 --> 28%
$200,300 to $357,700 --> 33%
$357,700+ --> 35%

The top 20% of wage earners pay 83% of all the income taxes. Yet Obama wants them to pay more. He praises so-called "working families," but don't the higher wage earners represent members of working families as well?

Secondly, taxes are too high for everyone, and they need to be cut. That is the best stimulus of all, because it's OUR money. If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, taxes will go up for everyone. If Obama's energy plan goes through, it will mean higher taxes for everyone. Taxes, taxes, taxes... that's the result of Obama's plan for America.

It's interesting that when President George W. Bush came into office and was facing a recession, he called for cutting taxes. What did the liberals say? Of course they said it was "tax cuts for the rich." But again, who is paying most of the taxes? They also said that the tax cuts would expand the deficit and that America couldn't afford it. What??? So, America can't afford to increase the deficit with tax cuts, but it faces an "economic crisis of epic magnitude" (in the eyes of the liberals) if it doesn't increase the deficit with massive spending?

Those pushing this new socialist agenda have no problem with huge deficits as long as government is controlling the spending and not the American people. It's as simple as that, and goes to the core of their beliefs: government knows best. It is truly time for a tea party!