... 18/OPINION

'It's a wonderful life,' circa 2006

While watching my one obligatory Christmas show, I could not help thinking how things have changed.

Can you imagine George Bailey's 4-year-old having a record for sexually harassing his pre-kindergarten teacher, but the 9-year-old down the street being too young to be charged with a stabbing murder?

Can you see Mr. Martini telling his bar patrons they can no longer smoke unless they go across town to the racetrack?

What would Bert and Ernie think about border agents being sent to jail for shooting an illegal immigrant in the butt for trying to smuggle 700 pounds of dope into the United States? They would really be perplexed to find out the smuggler was given amnesty to come back to the United States to testify against the agents.

The Bedford Falls mayor would be amazed to hear there's now a congressman who has rallies filled with cries of "Allahu Akbar" while the local merchants wonder if it is OK to say "Merry Christmas."

Even Clarence would not understand the ACLU's suing people for not renting to illegals (people breaking the law).

Uncle Billy would wonder how anyone could lose $90,000 in his own freezer -- and get re-elected!

It's a good thing medal-winning Harry was not a prison guard during the Iraq War.

Life only gets more wonderful.


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