Well it had been a long six months and I had about all I could stand. I figured it was time to pay a visit on ole Doc.

I arrived down at Doc's farm and found him in the barn puttin' the yokes on a pair of Jackasses. Perfect timing. I hollered out, "Howdy Doc, how the heck ya doin'? He looked up and over my way and replied, "Well howdy sonny, come on in and tell me all bouts the weather, and hows yer daddy doin'? "Well daddy is doin well, said he is gonna see ya in a couple a days, somethin' bout shoein a mule or somethin' of the sort. Asfer the weather, well thats what I was a hopein' ya had a handle on that." "Well hells' bells sonny, weather aint' been nothing but sunshine here," he snorted, spit some bacca juice out, and said, "heck I aint' gonna put up wid any cloudy weather down this end of the holler. Whats on yer mind?"

Just like Doc, quick to cut right to the chase. "Well Doc, everybody in the county knows that if ya got a problem with a jackass, well, yer the fella to see." I replied. He chuckled a bit, then asked, "Youins' got a problem with a jackass?" I then asked him, "Well Doc, you have worked with jackasses all of yer life, or long time anyway. How the heck do ya get a stubern jackass do what you want?" Docs eyes beamed right in on me for a second, then he looked around the barn, then back at me and said, " Well sonny, I'll let ya in on somthin' but, ya gotta keep to yer self. I don't want all of the world to knows my secret!" Then he smiled and let out a chuckle. He waved me over to where he was, next to his pair of Kentucky jackasses. He then told me,"Sonny, I learned this a long time ago. If ya want to get on the right side of a stubern jackass ya gotta talk to it right. I had busted many a good two by fer over the hard heads of stubern jackasses, and all that did was agravate me. They have hard heads and its just a waste of good wood." He laughed a bit then told me his secret. "You gotta whisper in their ear, like this, with a melodic tone jist say, Yes we can, Yes we can, Yes we can. Then ya can get a jackass to do whatever ya want!" "Thats it?" I said. Doc stared at me and then said, "Well it worked for the commie we got in the White House now. How the heck do ya think he got so many jackasses to follow him?"

Well I left Doc's place and headed back to the house. On the way back I knew I could not whisper into all of the jackass' ears all around the country, so I decide to write a poem with a melodic tone.

This poem is dedicated to all of those jackasses that suffer from Wonder Boy Derangement Syndrome. I hope that you will hang this on your mirror in the bathroom and when you get done brushing your teeth in the morning you could read this to yourself in a soft melodic tone. Hopefully after several months you will notice that you are on the road to recovery.

The Grand Illusion

Ladies and Gentlemen, gather round,
all small feats revealed profound.
In the end, should you see,
a word, no more no less, stings like a bee.
Ears are weak, eyes decieve,
most will follow, most believe.
Young idiots love me, killing babies,
Notre Dame, Rev. Wright, somebody save me.
Scuttle the airways, dim the lights,
follow them all, into the night.
Men at the top, some below,
Hollywood will help, put on the show.
Gaze and gander, mix with candor,
Some are meek, and some will slander.
Given a little, steal alot,
when it is counted, move one dot.
Men of stature, men of needs,
both sow grains, both sow weeds.
Buffet, Soros, both deep pockets,
stock market crashes, deficiet rockets.
Second-rate con man, butts been sold,
chains that bind me, this time gold.
Money supply has doubled, housing cut in half,
Inflation is coming, all worship the golden calf.
Divide and conquer, tactics from the book,
Ted Kennedy and illegals, Amnesty on the hook.
Liberals got Change, they said it is about time,
Wall St. bankers got their hands out, Bro, spare a dime?
Energy is still a problem, bow to the King,
Slip into my pocket, lots of bling-bling.
Wonder Boy and wonder men,
gather crowds, Yes we can!
Bait a race, watch others chase,
guilt abounds, will heal disgrace.
Line by line, all the same,
Find the middle, know my name.
Start with an L, end with e,
Wonder Boy's proper, not you, not me.

I am a.......................