Report: Jacksonville Recalls All Police Scanners From Media; Restricts Access To Communications; DHS Involvement Possible

Mac Slavo
September 2nd, 2011

A story out of Jacksonville, Florida may be much ado about nothing or it may be the new status quo, and it’s got some citizens in the area concerned as to why the police would want to completely close off access to what the police are doing:

For the first time ever in Jacksonville police radio traffic will be completely closed off to the public. Six years ago JSO [Jacksonville Sheriff's Office] began operating under encrypted radio frequencies, a result of 9/11.

When that change occurred a way to keep the public in the know was to provide those radios to the media. Last month a policy decision was made to take those back. At the time the only reason citied was a budgetary concern.

We asked a former public information officer at JSO, Ken Jefferson if this decision would limit access to the public’s information, he says it would.

“It will certainly enable them to control the flow of information because you don’t have the scanners to listen to them as it comes out,â€