The Japanese Quake: Another Ice Age Precursor?

Philip V. Brennan
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back in the summer of 1997, I wrote a nine-part investigative report on climate change: Global Warming or Globaloney. It attracted a lot of attention at the time, but given the fact that the nation was being barraged by advocates of the socialist global warming propaganda campaign and their media allies, what I had to say fell mostly on deaf ears.

After all, a lot of the global warming enthusiasts appeared to have all sorts of impressive sounding scientific credentials and who’s going to pay attention to a mere journalist with no academic background in climatology who claimed that global warming was a contrived myth and that there was every reason to believe that the current interglacial period of temperate weather has about reached its end.

In that series I wrote that one of the precursors of the onset of an ice age are violent tectonic events such as earthquakes of an ever increasing magnitude as was the quake that just devastated much of the Japanese islands. And despite the alarms issued by Al Gore and his cohorts much of the world has not been warming but instead experiencing some bitterly frigid winters because the polar ice caps have been growing.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the polar ice cap is the machine that sends icy blasts southward. The colder and thicker the ice cap, the colder the winds it sends in our direction. It would seem to be reasonable to suggest that perhaps instead of slowly melting, the ice cap is getting icier and thicker. After all, a warming polar ice cap simply can’t produce the bitter cold winters much of the world has experienced in recent years.

In Global Warming or Globaloney, I raised some questions that nobody in on the global warming scam was ever able to answer. I’ll now ask them again.

1. Climatological records show that whenever the level of CO2 rose above 290ppm, an ice age inevitably followed. I repeat, inevitably followed. When I wrote my report the level had already reached 362ppm and was still climbing.

Question: If the Climatological record shows that this indicator of climate change is an accurate predictor of an approaching ice age, why should we not expect it to be performing that function once again? What’s past is prologue. If the rise of CO2 levels above 290ppm, has always indicated coming global cooling, why should we not view it as such now?

2. There have been a series of seven ice ages over the last 700,000 years, according to paleological records - one every hundred thousand years or so, followed by an interglacial period of about 10 to 12 thousand years. The last ice age ended about 10,800 years ago, meaning that the present interglacial period is approaching its end.

Question: If the past is prologue, and interglacial periods last only 10 to 12 thousand years, and we are approaching the end of that cycle, why should we believe that what appears to be an immutable law of nature has suddenly been repealed by Al Gore, Dan Rather , Mikhail Gorbachev and the New York Times?

3. The rise in CO2 levels that signaled the end of interglacial periods over the past 700,000 years occurred as the result of natural causes. Now we are being told that the levels of this so-called “greenhouse gasâ€