S.D.U.T. Letters to the Editor

Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and race

2:00 a.m. September 23, 2009

I deeply resent that doddering old fool, Jimmy Carter, calling me a racist because I don't like President Barack Obama. This is the same Carter who sat in the Rose Garden for a year while our embassy staff was held hostage in Iran, and who prohibited military in Washington, D.C., from wearing uniforms to work because he didn't want the public to know how many military there were in D.C. I don't like Obama, whatever his color, because I think he is grossly unqualified for the job and he has surrounded himself with a similarly incompetent staff of political thugs. Stuff it, Jimmy!

President Carter, the last time I looked, all Americans still have the right to publicly express serious concerns for proposals of overspending, big government and runaway powers by the executive branch of government.

When did this make us racist? What do you say to the many non-white dissenters? Even President Obama disagrees with your remarks. Give it up, President Carter. It's time to retire.
San Diego

It really is difficult to remain calm when we have an ex-president who has determined that the anti-Obama sentiment in America is racism. This comes as no surprise because Jimmy Carter has been shocking Americans since we first heard of him in 1976. Think of the damage these sorts of comments cause. The American people are visibly unhappy with the Obama administration because of its plans for changing America. Voters could not have dreamed what the president meant when he kept harping about change during the campaign. Personally I can't imagine that many would have voted for Obama if they had known what he meant by change. He told us he would govern from the middle. He has not. And the remainder of his upcoming agenda would be damaging to our economy, security and future.

To the president's credit, he has disagreed with Carter and acknowledged that people are not reacting to him negatively for racial reasons. Could the mainline media please ignore Mr. Carter and not dignify his comments in the future? It would contribute mightily to domestic tranquility.
La Mesa

[b]Former President Jimmy Carter recently said those of us disagreeing with President Barack Obama's policies were racist. President Obama recently said Kanye West, a black man, is a “jackassâ€