68% Believe Government and Big Business Work Together Against the Rest of Us

Monday, February 07, 2011

President Obama told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today that government and business “can and must work together."

But 68% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that government and big business already work together against the interests of consumers and investors. The latest Rasmussen Reports poll shows that only 13% disagree with this assessment, while 18% are not sure.

The view that government and big business work together against the interests of others is shared across partisan, demographic and ideological lines. Seventy percent (70%) of liberals hold that view, along with 69% of conservatives. Seventy-one percent (71%) Republicans think it’s true, and so do 64% of Democrats.

“This unholy alliance between the largest corporations and the government is a natural and inevitable result of moving away from a national commitment to self-governance,â€