John Kerry Reveals What the Progressives Really Think

Steve Deace 4 hours ago

Secretary of State John Kerry is on quite a roll lately.
First he compared Israel, our most strategically, to an apartheid state. Now he's revealing what Leftists really think about religion and absolute truth in general:
"Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That's not the way I think most people want to live."
Ironically, Kerry is condemning himself with these words.
See, like many Leftists, Kerry will claim to be Catholic, but that "he can't impose his personal beliefs" on others in the public sphere. But then he will turn right around and bastardize and distort all kinds of Christian teaching to justify his belief in a welfare state, thus imposing his private religious beliefs upon public policy. That in and of itself is his own interpretation of his thousands of years old religion. By making the value statement that he gets to decide what and when to keep his private thoughts private or impose them on you ("ye be like God" anyone?), Kerry is guilty of the very reasoning he says he's against.
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

As a Christian, I don't believe I can vote for someone like this for any public office. Not because he's a Democrat. Sadly, the airborne contagion known as "post-modernism" is now infesting the Republican Party as well. Rather, I can't vote for someone who's line of reasoning and worldview mimics the words of the serpent himself when sin first enters into the world — no matter what team, faction, or party he's with.
I'll give Kerry credit for one thing. Normally, we don't get to hear what Leftists really believe because they get away with just calling all of us names. But in this statement Kerry is letting you know that when you remove all the enlightened and empty rhetoric about tolerance, fairness, and justice, at its core theirs is a worldview first spoken into the world with forked tongue.


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