I wanted to promote this event that I received by email:

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Just like Ron Paul, you are a leader in the fight to protect Liberty and restore our Constitution. You have stood with Dr. Paul as he fought in Congress, helped him change hearts and minds in his presidential campaign, and are now furthering the cause as an early member of the Campaign for Liberty.

Because of your support and hard work, it is my great pleasure to invite you to our first ever Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference in St. Louis, Missouri on March 27-29, 2009. I hope you will join me in gathering with Dr. Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and other special guests for this important event.

Dr. Paul's presidential campaign was the first step in a political Revolution that re-introduced America to the principles of Freedom. Together, we proved that a motivated grassroots army, backed by truth and determination, can accomplish great things. It is now time to take step two in our Revolution and equip our army with the tools we need for victory.

Our regional Summit will be a tremendous educational opportunity.Â* Dr. Thomas Woods will explain Constitutional theory and how to share these lessons with neighbors and friends. I am looking forward to joining other longtime political activists in presenting a series of intensive classes that will provide you the grassroots tools you need in order to win in coming election cycles.

In addition to our focus on how to effectively build your local organizations and articulate the liberty message, we will also be providing candidate and campaign training for those who want to run for elected office. Everyone from political newcomers to seasoned veterans will benefit tremendously from the weekend's activities.

And, since Dr. Paul insists on it, we plan on having a lot of fun!

Success for our first Summit is critical. Campaign for Liberty hopes to hold a series of these meetings across America to train thousands of Liberty minded activists.Â* But, to be able to execute our plans and hold additional Summits, we must prove our dedication and demonstrate that we will not be marginalized. Believe me, the neo-cons and central bankers will be watching and hoping that we fail. Your participation will help show them that, for us, failure is not an option, and that we are not going away just because the presidential campaign is over.

For more information, visit our new Regional Conference pages on CampaignforLiberty.com. Our main page with a list of sponsors and links to registration and hotel information can be found here, and our Conference agenda is described here.

We plan to make this first Regional Conference an historic event as we continue the fight for our Constitution. With speakers like Dr. Paul, Judge Napolitano, and Tom Woods in attendance, space is sure to fill up quickly! Make your plans now to join us in St. Louis on March 27-29 as we continue to show the political establishment that we are serious about reclaiming our Republic and restoring our Constitution!