Journalist Calls For Rounding Up 'Hate Promoters'

June 15, 12:47 PM

Bonnie Erbe who is a contributing editor for US News & World Report and hosts PBS's weekly news analysis program wrote a recent article titled "Round Up Hate Promoters Now, Before Any More Holocaust Museum Attacks". In regards to the recent shooting at the Holocaust Museum, Erbe has a suggestion "isn't it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?" She also ties in the shooter in the museum incident with Reverend Wright.

Recently the Plains State ADL Director denounced the 1st Amendment by saying that "freedom of speech does not extend to racist groups, nor give their supporters the right to threaten and intimidate others or commit acts of violence."

It is a very dangerous sign when members of the media start calling for rounding up those who's views they find offensive and use a tragedy to support violating the 1st Amendment. She sounds exactly like the Nazi's she claims to oppose who also used events to call for rounding up those they deemed undesirable or a threat to their political agenda. Many individuals such as Ms. Erbe are using the crimes of the Nazi's to promote their own version of fascism where one can be arrested for their political views. Who gets the power to determine what is hate speech. If you have the truth on your side, which Ms. Erbe clearly does not, you don't need to round people up you dissagree with.

In the 1930's Louisiana Governor Huey Long was asked if fascism could ever come to America. His response was, "Sure, only here they'll call it anti-fascism." Fascism is here in America and it is under the banner of anti-fascism. ... -promoters