Exclusive: Judge Robert BORK, a favorite of conservatives and a Supreme Court nominee of President Ronald Reagan, is endorsing Governor Mitt ROMNEY for president.

Few names carry as much automatic street cred with hard-core conservatives.

"Throughout my career," the legal scholar says in a statement to be released today, "I have had the honor of serving under several Presidents and am proud to make today's endorsement. No other candidate will do more to advance the conservative judicial movement than Governor Mitt Romney. … I greatly admired his leadership in Massachusetts in the way that he responded to the activist court's ruling legalizing same-sex 'marriage.' His leadership on the issue has served as a model to the nation on how to respect all of our citizens while respecting the rule of law at the same time."

Bork was solicitor general under Presidents Nixon and Ford, acting attorney general under Nixon, and was nominated by Reagan and confirmed by the Senate as a Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

ROMNEY replies: "As one of our nation's premier conservative jurists, he has been an important voice for our conservative values in Washington. I look forward to his counsel and working with him on the most important judicial matters facing our nation today."