Katie Couric Upsets Liberal Media By Questioning Cervical Cancer Vaccine Given to Young Girls

Katie Couric put herself on the wrong side of liberals Wednesday with a show questioning the safety of the Gardasil vaccine to prevent the Human Papilloma Virus that causes cervical cancer.

Liberals have pushed parents of junior-high girls to get the vaccine with the assumption that they’ll be sexually active at 12. The Los Angeles Times reported former Newsweek media reporter Seth Mnookin was the first journalist to get upset:
The outcry began Tuesday with a blog post from science writer Seth Mnookin, who had spoken extensively with a "Katie" producer who assured him the segment would not be alarmist. Mnookin was therefore troubled by the sensationalistic teaser for the episode: "The HPV vaccine is considered a life-saving cancer preventer … but is it a potentially deadly dose for girls?"

Michael Specter of The New Yorker, a former reporter for both The New York Times and The Washington Post, tweeted “The shameful @katiecouric HPV vaccine show was a model of dangerously misinformed reporting. Katie, your credibility is gone.” Time magazine went for the jugular: “Is Katie Couric the new Jenny McCarthy?” McCarthy has argued autism is caused by vaccines.

The journalists were upset at the tilt and panic of the segment. Have you ever noticed these "science" defenders don't get upset when we're warned the planet is facing a "deadly dose" of human activity causing catastrophic global warming?

Couric and her staff weren’t apologizing in an update on the show’s website:
While many appreciated us raising the topic, others were critical of us for providing what they felt was a disproportionate amount of time to two families who faced the rare circumstances of seeing their children’s health deteriorate after receiving Gardasil. The health problems may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

For those of you who watched the show, you know we presented the facts supporting the potential of the vaccine and that Katie’s own daughters received the vaccine. This is an important personal decision to be made in consultation with your doctor and other family advisors...

We do not want to leave our viewers with an irrational fear of the vaccine and for that reason we’re going to continue the conversation and invite a number of medical experts, journalists and scientists to weigh in here, on our site. We’ll keep you posted!

About the Author

Tim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Tim Graham on Twitter.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2013/12/07/katie-couric-upsets-liberal-media-questioning-cervical-cancer-vaccine-gi#ixzz2mzhh2ZIQ

The health problems may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

Well duhhhh what other reason would you take that vaccine. So the health problems would have to be linked to that vaccine. It is like playing Russian roulette.