Kennedy Gives Up Hate Bill Trick - Hearing Will Be Held

By Rev. Ted Pike

Bowing to massive protest and demand for hate bill hearings, Senate leadership has abandoned, at least for now, attempts to fast forward the federal hate bill to vote in the Senate as an amendment. A hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled for 10 a.m. EDT, Thursday, June 25. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, who recently came out strongly in favor of the hate bill, is the only witness yet listed at the SJC's website

This is exactly where we want the pro-hate bill Judiciary Democrats -- forced to answer whether they, like House Judiciary Democrats, will refuse to exclude pedophiles from special protection under the hate bill. Conservative leadership groups should immediately submit a list of expert witnesses, like Robert L. Knight, to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But will Senate Judiciary Republicans put up the same fight their House counterparts did seven weeks ago? They have a dismal record of almost no vocal opposition to the hate bill during passage by the Senate two years ago. Only Sen. Orrin Hatch really put up a vehement and systematic protest. See, ... lators.htm Hate Bill Manipulators Should Come Clean

It is vital that you call Judiciary Republicans NOW names available HERE at Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121. Ask the staffer to relay this message to the Senator: "Please vigorously oppose the hate crimes bill in Judiciary hearings next Thursday. Demand an amendment excluding pedophiles from special protection."

Call all 100 members of the Senate also on the Action Page at Ask them not to vote for the pedophile-protecting hate bill. S. 909 is still extremely dangerous legislation, and Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy will undoubtedly conduct the same "kangaroo court" hearings Conyers did in the House, ramrodding the hate bill through while giving the illusion of due process. Democrats might also propose their own sham amendment, seeming to ban pedophiles but actually not.

See, ... arings.htm

Democrats Fear Hate Bill Hearings) Demands must go NOW to the entire Senate for a "no" vote on the hate bill if rapidly sent to the floor for a vote after next week's hearing.

Since Monday I've been warning against the hate bill, demanding hearings, on 700 radio stations (predominantly Christian). YOU can be even more effective now by joining with countless others to jam phone lines to the Senate, call in to talk radio, and spread protest on the internet.

This is the decisive moment when America decides if we will remain a free republic or vassal to a one-world hate crimes gestapo.

Make calling the Senate your top priority for the next week. This is YOUR hour to change history!