Kucinich Vows New Round of Impeachment Articles Against Bush If Measure Dies

By Jason Leopold
The Public Record
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Published in : Politics

Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio Congressman and former 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate, said he would continue to introduce resolutions calling for the removal of President George W. Bush from office if the articles of impeachment against Bush that he presented to the House Monday is not taken up within 30 days or dies in committee.

On Monday, Kucinich introduced the articles of impeachment against President Bush in the form of a privileged resolution, a procedural maneuver requiring Congress to take up the measure within two legislative days. Kucinich spent four-hours reading 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush, accusing the commander-in-chief of a wide-range of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors," such as lying to Congress and the public to win support for the Iraq war.

Congressman Robert Wexler, (D-Fla.), agreed to co-sponsor of the measure Tuesday.

Congress voted 251-166 Wednesday to send the articles of impeachment to a House Judiciary Committee for review where it's expected to die.

But Kucinich said if that happens he will just introduce another resolution until lawmakers vote on the measure.

"Leadership wants to bury it, but this is one resolution that will be coming back from the dead," Kucinich told the Washington Post Wednesday. "Thirty days from now, if there is no action, I will be bringing the resolution up again, and I won't be the only one reading it. We'll come back and many of us will be reading this [on the House floor], and we'll come back with 60 articles, not 35."

In a statement Wednesday, Kucinich urged the House Judiciary Committee to "begin a review of the 35 articles" and said he "will be providing supporting documentation to the committee so that it can proceed in an orderly manner."

Kucinich said he expects to meet with Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers within a week to for the committee to vote on the measure. A resolution Kucinich sponsored last year to impeach Cheney was sent to Conyers' committee but was not debated.

Conyers, as well as others in the Democratic leadership, has opposed initiating impeachment proceedings against President Bush. Conyers has said the House simply does not have enough votes to support impeachment and therefore pursuing it would be a waste of time.

He did, however, state in a letter sent to President Bush on May 8, that he would pursue impeachment if the president were to launch a military strike against Iran without first receiving approval or consulting Congress about the matter.

"Late last year, Senator Joseph Biden stated unequivocally that “the president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran, and if he does, as Foreign Relations Committee chairman, I will move to impeachâ€