We just had our trash fees DOUBLED to $38/month...let the Mexican mafia in City Council come out and separate my table scraps...I've had it !!! I'm not putting a green table scrap pail in my kitchen for ANYONE!

Los Angeles to recycle table scraps

Last Updated 12:24 pm PDT Wednesday, August 13, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- City residents have blue bins for plastic, green bins for yard clippings, and black bins for everything else. Now some will have a fourth bin - a green kitchen pail for table scraps.
Following the lead of more than a dozen California municipalities, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday approved a pilot program that will provide about 5,000 households with a 2-gallon kitchen bin to be used for food waste.

The city is asking residents to toss leftovers and food-soiled packaging such as pizza boxes, into the pails starting next month.

The scraps will be combined with lawn clippings and delivered to a composting center near Bakersfield.
Information from Los Angeles Times, http://www.latimes.com
