Robert Gibbs is embarrassing to watch

Move Over, Baghdad Bob

By Alan Caruba
Friday, December 10, 2010

Move over Baghdad Bob and make room for White House Bob. Robert Gibbs, the official spokesman for the Obama administration, master of the daily briefings, and quite possibly the biggest dufus to hold the job since Scott McClellan, formerly of the G.W. Bush administration.

It is noteworthy that W’s new book has sold well in excess of the backstabbing McClellan’s version of what occurred while he was press secretary. Happily, Dana Perino, who replaced him, now adorns the Fox News Channel.

The infamous Baghdad Bob gained fame during the 2003 invasion of Iraq in which, while U.S. soldiers were occupying one of Saddam’s many palaces, he kept insisting that Saddam’s glorious Republican Guard had the enemy—the U.S.—on the run. I don’t know what happened to him and I don’t much care.

Robert Gibbs is embarrassing to watch. Lately he dismissed the massive WikiLeak data dump of purloined State Department cables as just “some guy with a laptop.â€