Law enforcement agents raid gun store near Deming

By Bill Armendariz/Deming Headlight
Posted: 08/30/2011 02:18:45 PM MDT

An unidentified Department of Homeland Security agent walks toward the cargo opening of New Deal Shooting Sports located south of Deming, New Mexico (Matt Robinson / Deming Headlight)Multiple law enforcement agents raided the New Deal Shooting Sports store south of Deming Tuesday morning and reportedly uncovered a bunker stored with ammunition.
Agents were seen "gearing up in Deming" by one eye witness at approximately 7 a.m. A convoy of armored agents set out south on the Columbus Highway just before 8 a.m.

According to agents working within the barbed wire-enclosed complex owned by Rick and Terri Reese, four armored personnel carriers and two helicopters participated in the morning raid.

By noon, agents were seen shuffling in and out of the Reese residence and the actual gun store to take inventory and evidence at the scene.

Four arrests were made, according to an official, but the charges were not released.

New Deal, located at 6600 Ventura Road SE, is near Rockhound State Park, at the foothills of the Florida Mountains. Agents from ICE, DEA, DHS and Luna County participated in the raid.