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Thread: humans getting dumber – IQ points dropping 7 points with each new generation

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    humans getting dumber – IQ points dropping 7 points with each new generation

    Disturbing study finds that humans are getting progressively dumber – IQ points now dropping by 7 points with each new generation

    (Natural News) The dumbing down of civilization has been codified in a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A pair of researchers from Norway found that average IQ levels are dropping precipitously, and that with each new generation, people in general are becoming progressively less … [Read More...]

    Friday, October 05, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
    Tags: badhealth, badpollution, brain damage, brain function, brain health, chemical assault, chemicals, drop, dumber, dumbing down, EPA, Flu shots, Fluoridation, Fluoride, intelligence, IQ, Lead, mercury, motor function, neurotoxicity, pesticides, pollution, toxic chemicals, Twisted, vaccination, vaccines


    (Natural News) The dumbing down of civilization has been codified in a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A pair of researchers from Norway found that average IQ levels are dropping precipitously, and that with each new generation, people in general are becoming progressively less intelligent.
    After evaluating the test scores of more than 730,000 young men, the Norwegian duo learned that IQ levels are dropping by about seven points per generation. These findings mirror those uncovered by a separate by related study out of Great Britain, which revealed that IQ levels have been dropping by between 2.5 – 4.3 points per decade ever since the end of World War II.
    This is a sharp contrast to the state of human intelligence during the first half of the Twentieth century, when average IQ scores were rising at a steady rate. So what might be the cause of this sudden change where we’re seeing people becoming dumber rather than smarter?

    Fluoride chemicals directly linked to lowered IQ

    Perhaps the more accurate question here is what are the causes, plural, of this steady IQ drop in the modern population? Research out of Harvard University from several years back identified one prominent culprit: artificial water fluoridation.
    Based on the Ivy League analysis, children who drink fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ levels than children who consume clean, non-fluoridated water.
    This was confirmed by Dr. William Hirzy, a former scientist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), who conducted his own risk assessment along with a team of researchers from New Zealand. In their published paper entitled, Developmental neurotoxicity of fluoride: A quantitative risk analysis towards establishing a safe daily dose of fluoride for children, the team found that fluoride exposure is directly correlated to low IQ.

    “The significance of this peer-reviewed risk analysis is that it indicates there may be no actual safe level of exposure to fluoride,” stated Dr. Hirzy following the paper’s publishing. “Fluoride may be similar to lead and mercury in having no threshold below which exposures may be considered safe.”
    Industrial crop chemicals, lead, and mercury in vaccines all linked to brain damage and lowered IQ

    Another prominent culprit is crop chemicals, which researchers from the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health found are highly damaging to developing babies still inside their mothers’ wombs.
    Prenatal exposure to two organophosphate pesticides in particular, chlorpyrifos and diazinon, were found in the study to profoundly harm young children, negatively impacting their ability to speak and understand words, engage in perceptual reasoning, and remember and process information.
    Lead, which can leach out of old water piping as a result of fluoride corrosion, is another IQ destroyer. The EPA estimates that some 1.7 million children living in the United States, including 900,000 under the age of six, are currently suffering from lead poisoning.
    The health damage caused by fluoride exposure has also been shown to persist into adulthood. Such damage includes not only lowered IQ, but also chronic headaches, poor memory, inability to concentrate, irritability, insomnia, motor skill dysfunction, aberrant behavior, and trouble speaking and seeing things clearly.
    And let’s not forget mercury poisoning, a major cause of “brain drain.” Mercury, which is still added to many childhood vaccines such as multi-dose vial flu shots, destroys cells, neurotransmitters, and other “chemical messengers” inside the brain that are associated with cognitive function, as well as IQ.

    Video at the page link

    For more news about the brain dangers of fluoride exposure, be sure to check out
    You can also learn more about the mass chemical assault against humanity by visiting

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    Feb 10, 2015, 10:20am

    Study Shows Heavy Adolescent Pot Use Permanently Lowers IQ

    Travis BradberryContributori
    I cover emotional intelligence and leadership performance.

    Marijuana smokers have long been characterized as dimwitted and slow. They tend to shrug off these stereotypes as artifacts of how they are when they're on the drug. If you've ever had the misfortune of enduring a pot smoker who takes you through the "beneficial" effects of marijuana on the brain, then you've likely wondered if the stereotype is true. As it turns out, it is.

    A study more than thirty years in the making found that smoking marijuana permanently lowers intelligence, or IQ. Frequent pot smokers (even those who had given up marijuana) tended to have deficits in memory, concentration, and overall IQ. The reduction in IQ for those who smoked pot heavily prior to age 18 was most pronounced: an average of eight points. An eight point reduction in IQ is enough to have a significant, negative impact upon your life. To put it into context, consider that individuals with an IQ of 110 have an average net worth of $71,000 and individuals with an IQ of 120 have an average net worth of $128,000. It looks like smoking pot can lower your tax bracket.

    What's significant about this research is that it was a longitudinal study: researchers followed and tested subjects from birth through to age 38, noting when and how frequently they picked up habits like drug use. Previous studies scrutinized marijuana use at a single point in time, which failed to eliminate the possibility that people with lower IQs are more likely to smoke pot. The longitudinal research provided a baseline IQ score for all subjects, which revealed changes in IQ scores as they picked up new habits, such as smoking pot.

    By following subjects for decades, the researchers were able to measure the lasting effects of adolescent marijuana use (even after subjects gave up smoking pot). These effects last because the teenage brain is still developing at a rapid pace; myriad new pathways for thinking are formed during this period while others are weeded out. When teenagers expose their brains to a damaging substance like marijuana, the effects aren't just drastic...they're permanently etched into the brain. Indeed, the reduction in IQ from smoking marijuana regularly was much greater for those who started smoking as teenagers than those who started in adulthood.

    While the study didn't measure the effects of marijuana upon teenagers' emotional intelligence, it's likely they are dire. Emotional intelligence (EQ) in teenagers lags behind their cognitive development. This explains why teenagers are so impulsive, emotional, and prone to risky behavior. Since teenagers' EQ develops much later than their IQ, this area of the brain is even more susceptible to the negative influences of marijuana.

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