September 17, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty:

One day, you hear a loud knock on your front door.

But it’s not a neighbor visiting or someone trying to sell you a subscription.

Instead, it’s a federal agent -- the federal government’s newest threat to your liberty demanding to check your household appliances . . . your light bulbs . . . your thermostat . . . and this is NO JOKE.

Believe me, I wish it was.

But should the so-called Cap and Trade Bill (which should be called Cap and Tax) pass, what I just described could be EXACTLY what you and I see in home after home, town after town all across our country -- along with skyrocketing taxes, home electric bills and heating prices.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition linked at the end of this letter to your U.S. Senators, insisting they vote against this dangerous power grab IMMEDIATELY.

You see, if passed, Cap and Tax would give the federal government UNPRECEDENTED control over the private sector -- and our very lives.

Big Government bureaucrats in Washington would effectively be able to tax businesses for emitting more carbon dioxide than they think is “appropriate.â€