By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.

April 14 , 2010

The tragic death of Polish president Lech Kaczynski as a result of a crash of the airliner on which he was a passenger was linked to an historic event that will live forever in infamy in the minds of righteous people and in the hearts of a Polish people who were so unfortunate as to occupy, as a nation, a geographic position between two despotic empires of deep and despicable immorality and evilness.

President Kaczynski was leading a delegation to Russia to visit the Katyn forest, near Smolensk, where he was to honor the memory of Polish military officers that were systematically murdered by Soviet secret police 70 years ago following a joint and near simultaneous invasion of Poland by the Nazis and the Soviets in September of 1939. By a diplomatic arrangement between the two totalitarian belligerents the demarcation line for the partition of the German – and Soviet – occupation of Poland was along the bug river.

Ironically it was the German Nazi occupiers who would discover soon after their invasion of the Soviet Union the particulars of the massive extermination of the polish officers by the NKVD. Acting upon information provided by Polish informants they discovered the mass grave that held the bodies of the heretofore-missing Polish officers each of whom had been executed by a single gunshot to the head.

Investigators determined that upon their partial occupation of Poland the communists detailed an execution squad that was ordered to eliminate, by death, 15,400 Polish Army Officers. Here is how that death squad handled the task to which it had been assigned. As you read the particulars envision how a politically controlled U.S. national police agency similar to the KGB and the Gestapo might respond to a similar assignment - by an activist militant socialist government - to deal conclusively with agents for freedom, liberty and a free society.

250 of the total of 15,400 Polish officers were brought in each night ostensibly for interrogation. If allowed to live these officers would have, in Stalin’s mind, almost certainly presented a problem to his communist regime and its despotic control of the people. Each officer was preliminarily interviewed by being asked a few simple innocuous questions such as name, rank, serial number, etc. Then - one by one - each officer was directed to another room for further interrogation. Once inside the door these officers found themselves in a sound proof room, where they were quickly dispatched with a pistol shot to the base of the skull. With cold-blooded efficiency the death squad eliminated one unsuspecting Polish officer after another with measured methodically administered bullets to the brain. This was done night after night until all 15,400 military officers had been slain. Their bodies were discarded like trash in trenches where they were piled twelve high one upon another and covered with dirt. All that remained was the blood, and the mud.

It was not the allied nations that demanded an investigation by the Red Cross into the atrocities; incongruously it was the Nazis themselves who called for such an inquiry. By that time the United States was allied with the Soviets in the war against Germany, and Franklin D. Roosevelt most certainly was not going to prevail against his new friend and ally Uncle Joe Stalin as the American president so fondly referred him to.

If we are so dumb as to think that this could not happen here, we had better reconsider these foolish thoughts. The United States as a component of a new world order is taking shape before our eyes. President George W. Bush, using as cover his professed Christianity, rapidly laid the groundwork for a socialist society, which could – and most probably would - have the potential to be every bit as oppressive and deadly as the communist regimes of Lenin and Stalin, or the national socialist order of Adolph Hitler.

Mr. Bush was, with good reason, suspected of harboring a sarcastic disdain for the constitution and it is plainly evident that he was, during his tenure, working diligently to bring about a North American Union. This he envisioned would be an integral part of a new world order. There were just too many signs - in regard to his intentions - for one to believe otherwise. George W. like his daddy and granddaddy before him foresaw a one-world order; it was family tradition to persist for the same.


“For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.â€