LIAR-IN-CHIEF asks Congress for $500 million more to aid “moderate” anti-Assad rebels…fails to mention he has been funding, training, and arming Islamic jihadists there for at least 2 years

Posted on Saturday, June 28th, 2014 at 4:58 pm.
by: Doc Holliday

In a report sent to lawmakers at the Capitol on Thursday, the White House requested $500 million in aid to “help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control and facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.” (See links below that expose this lie)
RT Brian Becker, national coordinator for the anti-war ANSWER Coalition, says the US government is playing both sides with its actions in Syria and Iraq counteracting each other. US military personnel in Jordan are being coordinated by the CIA for the training of these so-called ‘rebels,’ which is “funding and fueling a civil war using proxy forces.”
“The United States appears to have a schizophrenic foreign policy,” Becker said in an interview with RT.“They’re saying they demand unity in Iraq behind the central government, which is fighting what they call Islamic extremists from ISIL or ISIS, and yet, at the same time, they’re funding these same armed groups in Syria to take down an independent, nationalist and sovereign government in Syria.”