By Attorney Rees Lloyd
April 19, 2010

The Boy Scouts of America is perhaps the finest organization ever created to assist American boys to become responsible men and citizens. Over a million adults annually contribute uncountable volunteer hours to the BSA, assisting almost three million Boy Scouts.

However, among those millions of patriotic men of the BSA, are a very few predatory homosexuals who insinuate themselves into the BSA to prey sexually on boys.

As a result, predatory homosexuals with views on sex like those of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), predatory liberals epitomized by the ACLU – --- which represents and defends NAMBLA while attacking the BSA, and predatory lawyers posturing public interest purity while raking in fees at the expense of BSA and taxpayers, combine to damage if not destroy the BSA through lawsuits which place the BSA between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

That is, BSA, on one hand, is assailed by lawsuits – most by the ACLU -- which claim BSA is composed of loathsome homophobes who discriminate against homosexuals by barring them from positions as adult Scout leaders

On the other hand, BSA is attacked by lawsuits seeking millions from BSA for allegedly failing to protect boys from homosexual predators.

Thus, the BSA appears to be damned if it bans homosexuals as adult volunteers, and damned if it doesn’t.

An illustrative case is a lawsuit in Portland, Oregon, which has gained national attention – because the verdict is being used to predict a tsunami of similar suits.

Plaintiff Kerry Lewis, now 38, alleges that 27 years ago, in 1983, when he was 11, he was molested by an “Ass’t Scout Masterâ€