Military Pay Debate – Cut Pay or Troops?

October 28, 2010
• Terry Howell

MilÂ*iÂ*tary pay and benÂ*eÂ*fits have been a hot topic this fall; from the zero increase in milÂ*iÂ*tary retiree and vetÂ*eran cost of livÂ*ing adjustÂ*ments to the proÂ*posed reducÂ*tions in future milÂ*iÂ*tary base pay raises, there are plenty of issues for SerÂ*viceÂ*memÂ*bers and milÂ*iÂ*tary retirees to focus on. ... tired-cola

As earÂ*lier reported in this blog, the SenÂ*ate left on recess withÂ*out passÂ*ing the National Defense AuthoÂ*rizaÂ*tion Act for 2011. ... y-hanging/ The NDAA 2011 (H.R. 5136) includes a House proÂ*posal for a 1.9 perÂ*cent across-the-board increase in milÂ*iÂ*tary base pay, in addiÂ*tion to extenÂ*sions that would conÂ*tinue payÂ*ing cerÂ*tain types of speÂ*cial pay and allowances. AccordÂ*ing to many reports, the SenÂ*ate is leanÂ*ing toward reducÂ*ing the House’s proÂ*posed pay increase by .5 perÂ*cent to 1.4 perÂ*cent, which would match the White House’s proÂ*posal.

EarÂ*lier this sumÂ*mer we reported that two sepÂ*aÂ*rate DoD adviÂ*sory panÂ*els had recÂ*omÂ*mended reducÂ*ing the DoD’s perÂ*sonÂ*nel budÂ*get by limÂ*itÂ*ing the size of pay raises and cutÂ*ting retiree benÂ*eÂ*fits.,15240,218378,00.html The panel’s reports are being debated this fall as ConÂ*gress and Defense DepartÂ*ment offiÂ*cials look for ways to reduce the deficit in a lagÂ*ging econÂ*omy. ChairÂ*man of the SenÂ*ate Armed SerÂ*vices PerÂ*sonÂ*nel subÂ*comÂ*mitÂ*tee, Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), has sugÂ*gested that cutÂ*ting the numÂ*ber of troops would be a betÂ*ter way to reduce the cost of milÂ*iÂ*tary perÂ*sonÂ*nel.

Webb has indiÂ*cated he supÂ*ports endÂ*ing the 12-year trend of large across-the-board increases in milÂ*iÂ*tary base pay and sugÂ*gests a “more effiÂ*cientâ€