Subject: Our Freedom of Speech and the press

President Barack Obama
Rep. Michael Castle
Sen. Thomas Carper
Sen. Ted Kaufman

November 2, 2009

What is happening with the FCC is a travesty. In the confirmation hearings the now head of the FCC said they had no intention of bringing back the fairness doctine. Then his Chavez loving Underling said what the head of the FCC meant was that the fairness doctine did not go far enough.

I think that the head of the FCC should be brought back in front of the Senate to explain just what he meant when he testified. If he lied, because he was hiding a left wing agenda, then I think he should be un confirmed and charges of lieing to congress brought up.

It is time that Congress take a long hard look at who the Obama Administration put us for leadership positions. So far a majority of the ones who do not have to go through confirmation hearings are to the far far left of most Americans.
This will cost the Democratic party in 2010.

Trying to control the media is also a VERY bad idea. Mr. Obama Promised honesty and clarity. The American people are forcing him to keep his word. His media handlers are reluctant to be open and forthright and it slips out in quotes from Mao, and points that they controlled almost everything the media was fed. So they were wplaying the media for fools.

George Washing on said: "If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Benjamin Franklin in the poem "On Freedom of the Press.": "Without Freedom of thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as Public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech."

Thomas Jefferson in a letter to George Washington "No government ought to be without censors & where the press is free, no one ever will,"

On the other hand you have Cass Sunstien who wants to limit what we say and how we interact with others, he seems to be afraid of as he calls them hetrogeneous socoiety. He seems afraid of what people say.

This is as it should be because another one of of Founders was Thomas Jeffreson who said "When People fear the government there is tyranny. When the Government fears the people there is Liberty.

Our problem right now is that the Government in place wants us to fear them as the all powerful. They are NOT. They are PUBLIC SERVANTS who want to live as Kings and Queens.

Well Gentlemen this is a Democracy, a Republic. NOT a cradle to grave socialistic state. We make our own ways. We are free to write and speak and think, barring threatening harm to others.

We DO NOT Need big government and/or a nanny state.

We say NO to a cumbersome Helath Care Program that the government with their socialistic mentality wants force down our throats.
We Say NO to the FCC regualting speech and taxing media outlets out of business.
We say NO to the government take over of business. Let 'em fail!!!

We say Yes to the Free market Economy that made this country great.
We say yes, if a comany is mismanaged it IS allowed to fail.
We say yes to keeping our freedom of speech and letting us communicate with like souls. We Do not need to be forced into situations where we are not comfortable. That is a choice.

Take a long look at the people Mr. Obama has a round him. Search their words and deeds. Then ask yourselves where they plan to take this nation...if it looks like socialism, if it feels like socialism, if it sounds like socialism, then logic says that it IS SOCIALISM.

Wake up not before it is too late.

New Castle , DE ... 4181330236