
Victim: Flag Burning Was Hate Crime

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By Andrew DePaul

MARION, Ohio -- An arson victim in a Central Ohio community said she was the target of a recent hate crime.

Jennifer Martz said that she found her Mexican flag burnt on her front porch when she woke up last Thursday, NBC 4's Paul Stelzer reported.

"I walked out the front door and saw the ashes," Martz said.

Martz told NBC 4 that she was thankful the fire didn't destroy her home or injure her 10-year-old son.

"It is right below my son's bedroom. Different conditions could have caused the fire to burn my home." Martz said.

According to the Marion Star, police had not apprehended any suspects connected to the flag burning. Police said that the incident was simple criminal mischief.

"I guess the police consider it a pretty minor event," Steve Hazlewood, Martz's stepfather said. "But, I think, one minor event could build to something more."

Martz, whose father was an immigrant from Mexico, said that this was a hate crime because the burnt Mexican flag stood next to an untouched American flag.

Martz told NBC 4 that the flag burning would not stop her form displaying her Mexican heritage.

"I am going to replace the flag as many times as they want to burn it," Martz said.

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