In my opinion Los Angeles is in major serious trouble.

Musician Calls for Recall of Mayor Over Graffiti Issue

Green musician John Romano has called for a recall of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaragiosa if the Mayor's administration continues to ignore the city's out of control graffiti problem.

(PRWeb) March 13, 2007 -- Green musician John Romano has called for a recall of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa if the Mayor's administration continues to ignore the city's out of control graffiti problem.

"Mayor Hahn was no prize but at least the graffiti issue was under control. Graffiti seems to be everywhere now. I guess the Mayor wants LA to look like a New York subway car circa 1980," Mr. Romano stated.

Mr. Romano is also concerned about city murals that were painted years ago that have now been "tagged." "Drive down Fairfax and look at the mural under the 10 freeway that was painted 15 years ago. I've been here five years and not once had the mural been vandalized until Mayor Villaraigosa took office," Mr. Romano stated. Today the original red and yellow mural can hardly be seen as crude bubble letters now cover virtually the whole mural.

"What kind of city ignores graffiti? Had regular Angelinos knew that the Mayor likes graffiti or was simply going to ignore it, thereby encouraging more of it, they may have voted differently. I know I would of."

The Mayor's office had no comment.