Obama administration’s foreign policy is appalling

State Legislatures Must Censure Obama, While Standing With America and Its Allies

By Yomin Postelnik
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Obama administration’s foreign policy is appalling, and it is now the duty of whoever stands for elective office to speak out about it. We as a state can initiate trade agreements with our allies. We can pass resolutions condemning a shameful administration that apologizes for American heroism while defaming its staunchest allies.

It is noteworthy that Barack Obama has not only alienated Israel, America’s most steadfast ally. When members of his own party saw fit to rid Honduras of Ernesto Zelaya, a communist bent on turning his country into a dictatorship, Obama and Hillary Clinton did all that they could to return him to power. Great Britain, too, was shamed by the Obama administration.

Simply put, a man who goes to Buckingham Palace and introduces himself to the Queen by handing her an I-pod is nothing short of reckless. But that, and the hostile return of the Churchill bust, marked this administration’s first overture to the United Kingdom. The end result of this lunacy is that Great Britain is now five times more prone to side with Western Europe in any international dispute and far less likely to assume its traditional mediating role in any such situation.

As a state representative candidate myself, I do not make the following pledge lightly. If there were another way around it, I would pursue any other avenue, but given the outrageous lengths that the Obama administration has gone to in appeasing and emboldening terrorists, given their reckless stewardship of the economy and the full scale attack on our dollar (as printing $15 trillion in one year is nothing short of a disaster in the making, as anyone with the most basic knowledge of history or of economics can tell you) and based on their usurping of unauthorized powers by way of a team of unelected czars, I do not believe that any other solution exists.

As such, I pledge that upon my election to the Florida House, I will introduce a bill of censure against President Barack H. Obama. While this should ideally be done by Congress, the states cannot fall asleep at the wheel or shirk our duty as parts of a greater America. Being a state representative is an awesome responsibility and one that demands us to stand up to this insanity.

My campaign has said unequivocally that America has nothing to apologize for. Likewise, Israel, a country that has taken more precautions to protect the lives of civilians on the other side and who has never started a single one of the wars that were brought upon it, also has nothing to apologize for.

Each time that Israel gave land, the terrorists were emboldened
Yes, Israel won an increased amount of land in 1967. But Israel did not start that battle. They won it after they were aggressively surrounded by enemies on all sides who were very openly set on Israel’s destruction.

If the battle in Israel was a battle between residents of Chicago and the citizens of Detroit; if one side never made an aggressive move while the other side had openly targeted women and children, may G-d protect all, the side who justice and decency was on would be clear to all. It is also noteworthy that every discussion of regional peace has been about nothing more than how much Israel would give versus how much its enemies would stop attacking it. And each time that Israel gave land, the terrorists were emboldened. Netanyahu is right when he says that promoting mutual business, not dangerous land concessions, is the only possible road for peace.

Yet the strange thing is that in Israel, both the right as well as much of the left have come to understand that the only way to stand up to terror is to, well, stand up to it. That’s why Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were able to form a coalition. The only one who doesn’t get it is Tzipi Livni, who, to her credit, is doing whatever she can to dispel the notion that all Jews are smart.

America cannot show weakness. Such an attitude invites contempt and emboldens our enemies. When Obama was elected, people turned to me at the local McCain party and asked, very concerned, “what about Israel?â€