HOLLISTON — Under the Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Management Act Permit, the Holliston Water Department is mandated to impose a water ban on nonessential outdoor water use every day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The water ban will begin Sunday, May 1 and continue until Sept. 1.

Nonessential outdoor water uses include watering lawns using sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems, washing vehicles except at a commercial car wash and watering the outside of homes or driveways except to apply surface treatments.

Lawn watering will be permitted outside the restricted hours on an odd/even system. Properties with even street numbers can water lawns on Tuesday and Thursday. Properties with odd street numbers can water lawns on Wednesday and Friday.

No lawn watering is allowed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

Use of a hand-held water hose will be allowed all days outside the restricted hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Watering is allowed for all agricultural uses, such as starting a new lawn, planting, and irrigation of public parks and recreational fields outside of the restricted hours.

Anyone with questions can call the Holliston Water Department at 508-429-0603 or 508-893-6384.

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