The Revenge Of The HillBillies?

September 20, 2011 by Robert Ringer

Hillary and Bill Clinton have morphed into an elite establishment couple.

Early in 2009, I started writing about the possibility of the HillBillies — the world’s first and only two-for-the-price-of-one political combo — challenging Barack Obama once it became obvious to a majority of the anesthetized public that the would-be emperor had no clothes.

Don’t get me wrong. BHO has accomplished almost everything I expected of him: universal healthcare; a trillion-dollar stimulus giveaway; debt-ceiling increases that have brought the United States ever-closer to default; business-crushing regulations intended to bring the private sector to its knees; encouraging union thugs to engage in violent uprisings from coast to coast; appointing far-left radicals to important positions in the White House; sending a thumbs up to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and the PLO, while constantly chastising Israel. There’s no need to go on, as your own list is probably longer than mine.

But now Chairman Obama is in danger of stumbling before he can carry the ball across the left goal line and declare victory over America. Witness the humiliating Democratic defeats in Nevada and New York City’s District 9. The Solyndra scandal is threatening to spin out of control. Obama refuses to utter a word about Jimmy Hoffa’s introducing him at a union event in Detroit by saying, “Let’s take these (Tea Party) sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.â€