The program costs $5 million to run. They should look to cut more and not add on to the debt. Start with Obamocare.

House to End Page Program after Nearly 200 Years

Monday, August 08, 2011
By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — After nearly 200 years, the House is ending its page program. The program allowed high school students to serve as messengers for lawmakers while getting a front-row seat to learn about Congress.

The program has existed in some form since the 1820s. The Senate page program will continue.

The death knell for the program was the Internet and e-mail, along with the program's cost. Pages, usually high school juniors, are no longer needed to carry packages and documents to members because everything is delivered electronically.

A 2008 study said annual costs of the program exceeded $5 million, not including capital costs associated with the page dormitory and school, where the teenagers attend classes.

The program will end Aug. 31. ... nearly-200