Obama's Surge And Fake Claims To End The War

By Joel Skousen
Editor - World Affairs Brief

Begin Excerpt

President Barack Obama announced a surge of 30-35,000 additional troops to this occupied nation that has been at war with various empires for centuries. Each new empire had claimed to be able to win while others had failed. All failed and so too will the US--at least as to their stated purpose of democracy and eradication of terror--which are not the real reasons at all. One disingenuous aspect of this new surge is Obama's artificial claim that he will begin a withdrawal of those troops 12 months later. But, like Iraq, there were plenty of caveats and conditions stated that will allow for a continued US presence well beyond that date. In the meantime, the US will continue to take advantage of their control in Afghanistan to keep the heroin trade alive. The US is actively involved in protecting this trade and directs that some of the profits be used to buy off tribal and militia leaders as well as fund black operations.

There is also the unfinished issue of getting a new oil pipeline in the ground which is one of the hidden motives that originally put Afghanistan on the list of nations to be attacked after 9/11 provided the excuse. Last but not least, this appears to be yet another excuse to keep hundreds of thousands of US troops stationed in the Middle East until a new and bigger Middle East war comes along, most likely aimed at Iran.

The Obama team went to tremendous effort to convince a skeptical public that a larger and more costly war in Afghanistan is both necessary and probable in ending the war. But no one outside the circles of Washington insider pundits and commentators really believes that, let alone guerrilla war experts in the military. In the entire history of US warfare, we have never truly won a guerrilla war against terrorism. Buy them off, yes, accede to power sharing demands, yes. But win? No. Politicians merely declare victory to cover their failures.

Obama has been on the telephone calling Congressmen, high military leaders, and European and Asian heads of state--lobbying hard for them to come on board and support this massive troop surge. Europe is being asked to contribute 10,000 more troops, but that won't be an easy sell in a part of the world where military intervention has the taint of costly failure. Notwithstanding, leaders here and abroad will do what they want in any case--public objections be damned.

The American public is being asked to sacrifice for this war, and to be patient just a while longer. But the fact is, they are not having to sacrifice any money to support the war. And the relative few lives that are lost is a price that is only narrowly distributed to the families affected, who in turn, are used by the White House, media and Congress to showcase and rally support for continuing the war. If Americans really had to foot the bill for this war each and every year through increased direct taxes, there would be a massive outcry against it. And, that is why no government will ever increase taxes upon mainstream America to pay for any of these unpopular wars, let alone costly programs like foreign aid, bank bailouts and health care.

These will all be paid for with deficit spending--a game they can keep playing for at least another decade before the interest on the debt exceeds our ability to pay. By that time, another world war will be upon us (with USA as the target) and the PTB will use the ensuing destruction to wipe away all debts and start over. Don't have any of your assets in brokerage or bank accounts when that happens. That's one of the purposes of this weekly briefing--to warn when that time is getting close. We still have a few years.

Obama claims that this has been a decision he has agonized over. Not so. He has always planned a surge, just as his globalist handlers have suggested. The only reason for the delayed announcement is to give the appearance of deliberation. Sure, everyone has been consulted, but only those who have plans for expanding the war have been listened to. 30-35,000 more troops are on the way to another no-win war, and probably 10,000 Marines by Christmas time. I bet they aren't pleased.

The public may well believe this war can be won just like Iraq, which only has the illusion of calm. The establishment media has intentionally downplayed the real situation in Iraq--a tinderbox of tension waiting to explode, as soon as the US bribe money and direct military presence recedes.

Warren P. Strobel of McClatchy News outlines some of the problems still lurking in Iraq. "While President Barack Obama prepares to announce that he's sending tens of thousands more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, his problems in Iraq are far from over. Military casualties have plummeted and sectarian violence has ebbed in Iraq, but the country's power struggles among Sunni and Shiite Muslim Arabs and between Arabs and Kurds are unfinished [all of which can lead back to violence as the Shiites consolidate their power and try to suppress Sunni and Kurdish moves toward independence].

"The question is whether it will turn violent again. The combatants appear to be repositioning themselves in anticipation of the planned U.S. combat troop withdrawal next year [which won't really come--they'll just be stationed behind the walls of their fortress bases]. Iraq's neighbors ---- Iran, Turkey, Syria and others ---- could try to fill the vacuum, politicians and analysts warn. 'Those who feel their rights have been taken, and the weak, will ask the help of anyone who can give them a hand,' said Burhan Muzhir al Asy., a tribal sheik and a member of the northern city of Kirkuk's provincial council representing Arab citizens.

"Dleir Ahmad Hamad, the political science dean at Suleimaniyah University in Iraqi Kurdistan said he does 'not exclude the occurrence of a civil war, between Kurd and Kurd, between Arab and Kurd, between Shiite and Sunni, between Turk and Kurd.' The government is not yet stable.' Hamad, the political science dean, concurred. It would take a U.S. troop commitment of five or six more years to make Iraq 'a normal state,' he said."

Actually, that is impossible, just as it is in Afghanistan. Whenever you have a nation cobbled together by international mandates that pit ethnic minorities against each other in a competitive struggle to control the redistribution of productive wealth (oil and tax revenues) you have a recipe for eternal conflict. Add to that mix a dose of ethnic and tribal hatred and the result is explosive. This all guarantees that the US will always have an excuse for not leaving Iraq. Stability will never arrive, short of allowing the Shiites to establish an all-powerful police state--and then we'll be right back where we started with Saddam Hussein.

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World Affairs Brief - Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted.
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