Mayors Are Leaving Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group Saying His Fanaticism Has Gone Too Far

JUNE 26, 2013 5:36 PM

We're just thinking that any mayor with half their wits about them would never even join a group called 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' which is Nanny Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg's creation. Really, who isn't against ILLEGAL guns? If weapons are in the hands of people who shouldn't be possessing them because they are of the criminal element, then that would already be illegal. So, why do we need a group of elected officials who are already against something that is illegal?

Well, that's the way the foolish Mayor Bloomberg thinks and now at least 3 mayors have decided Nanny Bloomberg is too extreme. I'm not sure who would want to be associated with a mayor of a major US city who doesn't even know the differencebetween an automatic and semi-automatic weapon and consistently vilifies the NRA even though the group is the largest teacher of gun safety classes in the country.

Finally, a few mayors with a little sense are seeing Bloomberg for the nutcase he really is.

Read more on this story from The Washington Examiner below:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, under fire for listing one of the Boston Marathon bombers a gun violence victim, is facing its first desertions from mayors who claim he has gone too far to target critics and legal weapons.

Two mayors, one from Nashua, N.H., and another from Rockford, Ill., northwest of Obama’s Chicago hometown, have quit the group as it embarks on a campaign to shame lawmakers who voted down the recent Senate bill to expand background checks.

Nashua, New Hampshire Mayor Donnalee Lozeau quietly left in May, claiming that Bloomberg’s group wants to ban legal weapons, far beyond its initial plan and name. She also said that the group’s $2 million assault on New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte for voting against the Senate bill was unfair, according to New Hampshire Union Leader.

Rockford, Illinois Mayor Larry Morrissey quit Mayors Against Illegal Guns because it is pushing for a ban on assault weapons and large magazines, both legal. “As the original mission swayed, that’s when I decided it was no longer in line with my beliefs,” Morrissey told a town hall meeting, according to Rockford Register Star.