McCain Hits a Home Run
August 30, 2008 11:00 AM EST
by David Jared

In what can only be called a startling move, Sen. McCain has chosen Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, to be his running mate in the upcoming election...assuming, of course, that he's nominated next week as expected. (As if there were any doubt.) I refer to the move as startling because it was so unexpected and so uncharacteristic of McCain...who sometimes appears to be stodgy and uninspired. This move should dispell that image for all time.

Governor Palin, a relative neophyte in GOP circles, may be the most brilliant choice of a nominee since Ronald Reagan outpolled Gerald Ford in 1980. Her resume is a bit thin, but STILL thicker than Obama's and with the added advantage of having actual executive experience--running a commercial fishing business, mayor of a city for several years and governor for two. Obama, on the other hand, hasn't run anything of consequence--not even his own campaign, if the truth were known. The Governor is another politician with a "maverick" reputation...just like McCain. HERS, however, was earned by ferreting out her own Party, as a matter of fact. McCain's was "earned" by thumbing his nose at conservatives and crossing the aisle...usually just to have his pockets picked by Democrats.

I'm still not a huge fan of Senator McCain, but this choice convinces me that he may be smarter than I've been giving him credit for. We are ready as a nation for a black or woman President or Vice President, and this election will insure that we get one or the other. I don't believe that Obama is man enough for the job, but I DO think Ms Palin is certainly woman enough to be Vice President...or President, for that matter. She's no-nonsense and actually BELIEVES--really believes--in the Constitution and what the founders intended it to mean.

All of a sudden, I believe the election prospects...which I'd been feeling was going to be very close and maybe even lost to an avowed Marxist...look pretty good. The far-left Democrats have dissed all of Hillary's women supporters. Now they have a place to go to actually support a strong, forceful woman for one of the two, most important jobs on the planet. Ms Palin IS pro-life, but she puts her money where her mouth is, too, so to speak. Knowing that she was pregnant with a Downs child, she defied "advice" and had the baby anyway, because she actually BELIEVES in the sanctity of life. I have a relative who has Downs and, if one's worth in this world was measured by one's capacity to give love, these kids would be royalty. What remains to be seen is whether or not Hillary's women supporters are so wedded to the idea of abortion on demand that they'd rather see a Marxist elected President than a man and woman who are pro-life.

I am excited by this choice of Senator McCain. I think it was wise, strategic and will go a long way towards healing the breach between him and the GOP conservative base. Conservatives united will be simply unbeatable in November and, until this choice was made public, "unity" was pretty iffy.

Then, too. I must agree with the most popular bumper sticker in Alaska...."ALASKA, Coldest State, Hottest Governor." ... l?id=34193