By: Devvy
October 23, 2008

© 2008 -

My last column on Gov. Sarah Palin, drew some very angry email. People seemed to miss the point of my spoof, accusing me of being "green with envy." Palin has nothing I need or want. While I appreciate all the emails were free of the usual profanity, not a single emailer disputed the facts in my column. I didn't make up Palin's words, they came out of her mouth. Judging by the speed with which I received this backlash, it tells me none of them read the Alaska budget link, the 263-page Trooper gate report or links to Palin's short and uneventful resume. As Douglas Herman, an Alaskan, said in his superb piece which I linked: "Your victory for the governor ship, Sarah, was due less to your brilliant accomplishments—since you had none—then to Murks' blundering, stupidity and nepotism."

People strike out at me because I'm the most convenient target of their frustration. Tens of millions of Americans have their back to the wall and resent they have to go to the polls, hold their nose and vote. It is not my doing, we are all victims of a rancid, corrupt system -- which I have been writing and speaking about for almost fifteen years. Millions of Americans know vote fraud is rampant and there's no way to fix it before the 'big day.'

Millions of Americans know the vote was manipulated during the primaries, whether by voter registration, cheating or electronic machines and scanners. Back on October 13, 2008, I asked the question: how did a loser like McCain end up winning the primaries? My guess is vote fraud aside, the shadow government saw the polls and the trend out in America towards the original list of candidates. Mobster money man, Rudy Julie Annie, would never get enough votes to win primaries; Flip Romney would not make the final line because he is Mormon; there is great friction between Christian denominations and Mormons. Brother Huckabee's appeal was too limited. Congressman Ron Paul had to be stopped and he was. The list goes on. What was left was a phony war hero who would be acceptable up against the despised Marxists, Clinton and Obama.

Do we all remember how everyone waited with baited breath to see who McCain would pick as his VP? All the hand wringing. All the noise on cable networks with the usual talking heads trying to "narrow down the final candidates." Will McCain pick his VP nod before the GOP convention? On February 12, 2008, and this is just one of hundreds of articles, the headline read: "John McCain's Top 24 Potential Picks For Vice-President." This illusion was sold all over this country:

RNC shells out $150K for Palin fashion. "The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August." (emphasis mine)

Surprise pick? Do you know you could donate to the McCain-Palin campaign fund as early as March 1, 2008? That's right. The McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, Inc., was accepting donations as early as March 1st. Here is the direct link to the page to donate. Hopefully, it won't disappear anytime soon. There is a web site called '' This site tracks campaign donations for candidates. Now, go to this link from their site and see a $2300.00 donation to the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund from wealthy Hollywood mogul, Jerry Bruckheimer on March 1, 2008. On this page, you will see a donation by ATT Chairman and CEO, Randall L. Stephenson, in the amount of $2,000 for the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund.

What is a compliance fund? According to the disclaimer on the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund site:

"McCain-Palin Victory 2008 is a joint fundraising committee by the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, Republican National Committee, and Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Pennsylvania Republican Parties. Because the McCain-Palin Campaign is participating in the presidential public funding system, it may not receive contributions for the any [sic] candidate's election. However, federal law allows the McCain-Palin Campaign's Compliance Fund to defray legal and accounting compliance costs and preserve the Campaign's public grant for media, mail, phones, and get-out-the-vote programs. Contributions to McCain-Palin Victory 2008 will go to the Compliance Fund, and to participating party committees for Victory 2008 programs."

The funds can also be used to pay for recounts. These funds do not count towards the limits set in McCain/Feingold. A big, fat loophole whereby candidates can collect an additional $2000 from contributors who have already reached the legal limit under federal law. Wait a minute! Isn't McCain the big 'reformer' for campaign finance reform? It appears McCain hasn't found a loophole he doesn't love. And, no, I'm not jealous that Sarah Palin got a new wardrobe from your donations to the RNC. Most likely they're trash from commie China.

I much prefer my fashion statement. Yours truly speaking at a -pro Second Amendment rally, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA. The million mom march hens were on the other side of the capitol at the same time.

I noted in an earlier column that Newt Gingrich, was pushing Palin back in April. I had no idea that Palin, about five months pregnant back then, was already McCain's VP pick. Why the secrecy and the need to fool everyone? I could find no Compliance Fund for McCain and alleged top picks like Tim Pawlenty.

"Exclusive: McCain to name VP on Aug. 29. "Sources close to McCain say he has wrestled with the choice, torn between a high-stakes, high-reward pick like Ridge or Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman — the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000 — or a safer and more conventional selection such as Romney or Pawlenty...Friends say he has yet to make a final decision, and is not expected to do so until after Sen. Barack Obama announces his choice." (Emphasis mine.)

In this short video shot August 29, 2008, McCain says he's "spent the last few months looking for someone as his VP pick." Really? So, how come he was collecting campaign donations for the McCain-Palin Compliance Fund for five months prior to his big announcement?

What a joke on the American people.

Obama must be declared ineligible to run by all 50 states

I live in the real world and as I have written repeatedly: Barack Hussein Obama must not become president of this country. He is a stinking Marxist hiding behind the cloak of 'progressive' and liberal.

Phil Berg, former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former Chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County; former member of Democratic State Committee with an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, filed a lawsuit on August 21, 2008, challenging Obama's eligibility to run for president based on citizenship.

On October 9, 2008, another lawsuit was filed in Washington State by Steven Marquis of Fall City. The details are here. This suit was filed on the same grounds: Obama is not a U.S. citizen and is not eligible to be on the ballot in any of the 50 states.

On October 21, 2008, an announcement was made: Obama would take off a couple days from his campaign to visit his sick grandma in Hawaii.

Coincidental timing

New Lawsuit requires Obama's presence in Hawaii: Martin vs Obama

"(HONOLULU, HI)(October 18, 200 The leader of the national anti-Obama movement, legendary Chicago Internet columnist and Obama author Andy Martin, will hold a Honolulu news conference Saturday, October 18 to announce that he has filed a lawsuit in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, Honolulu, seeking to order the Governor and Director of the Hawai’i Department of Health release Barack Obama’s birth records."

October 21, 2008: Martin files an Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus with the Supreme Court in Hawaii.


Obama's grandma was ailing earlier this year. Instead of going to visit her, Obama and the family opted to head to the beaches in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Is this just a coincidence that Obama, who hasn't visited grandma in well over a year, decides he must rush to her bedside with the Martin legal proceedings heating up?

The question of Obama's eligibility to run for president is a valid, constitutional issue. These lawsuits should be getting mass coverage by all media since it is of the highest concern.

Obama's thugs, the FEC and the DNC have gone to extraordinary lengths to fight Berg's lawsuit. However, a very important legal date expired October 15, 2008. Obama, et al, did NOT respond to Berg's 'Requests for Admissions.' What is that?

A discovery procedure, authorized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the court rules of many states, in which one party asks an opposing party to admit that certain facts are true. If the opponent admits the facts or fails to respond in a timely manner, the facts will be deemed true for purposes of trial. A request for admission is called a "request to admit" in many states. See: "One of the most serious consequences of failing to respond to requests for admission is that the requests are “deemed admitted,â€