Media Matters is the journalistic equivalent of a roving, extremely well-funded death squad

Media Matters Shoots at Glenn Beck, Misses

By Matthew Vadum
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The left-wing character assassins at Media Matters for America highlight a brief July 13 segment from Glenn Beck’s radio show in an effort to make Beck look ridiculous.

Beck says

The ACORNs of the world, that’s not, that is not about voter registration. That is about framework. That is about community organizing. That is about getting people to stand up and extort other people. It is, in the future, those kinds of organizations will be about riots, planned riots.

In fact Beck is correct. He describes both the tactics of the leftist Machiavelli Saul Alinsky and the Cloward-Piven Strategy of orchestrated crisis that was long ago embraced by ACORN. ACORN founder Wade Rathke acknowledges at page 122 of his new book Citizen Wealth the debt that the so-called welfare rights movement owes to Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven for devising the “overwhelm the systemâ€