Ann Coulter Vows to Stop 'President McCain'

Monday, February 4, 2008 9:10 AM

By: Philip V. Brennan

Some Republicans may be rallying around Sen. John McCain as the GOP’s best hope of winning in November, but best-selling author and conservative firebrand Ann Coulter would rather stick to her principles and give up the White House to Hillary than to see the Arizona senator as the White House’s new resident.

In an exclusive interview with, Coulter explained in great detail why she is so adamantly opposed to John McCain, even to the point of backing Hillary Clinton as a last resort.

Newsmax: Is a pro-abortion socialist-in-everything-but-name Hillary Clinton administration preferable to a McCain administration?

Coulter: McCain's record is as bad and liberal as Hillary's. But her badness is expressed when she's seeking Democrats' votes. If McCain were in front of Democrats he'd sound like Herbert Marcuse. And don't tell me McCain is better on the war. Campaigning in front of Code Pink types, Hillary has repeatedly said she will hit terrorists hard, and hedged her bets (thereby losing votes) on whether she'd execute a quick pullout from Iraq.

This probably makes her as tough as McCain, especially since he's busy sniffling into his handkerchief about the tragedy of Guantanamo. As to the domestic commie stuff Hillary peddles, I think she'll do a lot less damage than McCain, because he would co-opt Republican congressmen. They would fight Hillary. We're imperiled by both of them — but I think Hilary presents fewer risks.

Newsmax: What do you find most objectionable about McCain?

Coulter: That, on the litmus issues of our time, only partially excluding Iraq, he is a liberal. He apparently excoriated Samuel Alito as too "conservative." He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants. He abridged free citizen speech (in favor of the media) with McCain-Feingold.

He opposes [drilling in] ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels. Yes, he supported the surge, along with every other Republican worth mentioning, but he would shut down Guantanamo — the most successful rat trap in our nation's anti-terror fight — and he joins Code Pink in calling the Bush administration "torturers."

Oh yeah, he originally voted against the Bush tax cuts, but now says he would support them. And he libels our miraculous drug companies as "crooks." Can I take a breath?

Newsmax: Is there anything he could do that would allow you to support him against Hillary or Obama?

Coulter: He's 71 years old. He's not changing.

Newsmax: Is there any hope of stopping McCain before the convention?

Coulter: As true conservative Ronald Reagan would say, there is always hope in America.

Newsmax: Isn't the conservative base powerful enough to stop McCain if they will unite behind Romney?

Coulter: If rallied to their senses.

Newsmax: If Huckabee could be persuaded to quit and throw his support to Mitt, would that do the trick?

Coulter: Yes. Good Idea. Tell Huckabee.

Newsmax: Why Is Huckabee not backing Mitt?

Coulter: 1. Like McCain, he lives for praise from the MSM and 2. he is hoping to be McCain's VP choice.

Newsmax: Could we wind up with a wide-open brokered convention, and if so, who would you support?

Coulter: I believe the "brokering" is now going on for McCain. I will trust the people. Mount your horses and ride to the sound of the guns!

Newsmax: How should those attending CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] react to McCain when he speaks? Is it possible that CPACers could extract enough commitments from him to make him palatable?

Coulter: On the reaction front, with courtesy to be sure. After all, we are not liberals. But I do wish someone would ask him to explain the laundry list in my second answer. And no, there are no extractions that make him supportable.

Newsmax: Do you really plan to campaign for Hillary if McCain is the GOP nominee?

Coulter: I will campaign against John McCain until Inauguration Day, which, God willing, will not be his.

Newsmax: What do you recommend conservatives do?

Coulter: Write in "Mitt Romney: or — if it’s close — vote for Hillary.

Newsmax: Do you agree with Pat Buchanan that if the Republican Party nominates McCain it will lose its soul?

Coulter: Neither the Republican Party nor the nation will be likely to recover inasmuch as it will lead to an end to a takeover by Mexico and 30 years of Democratic rule.

Newsmax: Does it have a soul?

Coulter: Yes, as do humans — contrary to liberal dogma. ... 69907.html