S.C. GOP, Hang your heads in shame!

By The Scribe
July 20, 2010 1:34 PM

As the only Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to support the nomination of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, liberal Sen. Lindsay Graham has earned himself a new position in the annals of RINO history. I don't know how much you can take of this video but try to watch if, especially if you are from South Carolina.

If you live there and you supported Graham instead of backing a primary challenge, we'd love to hear how that's working out for you.

This guy is so full of himself. He's learned well from his mentor, John McCain.

Lindsay Graham on Kagan

http://www.gopusa.com/fresh-ink/2010/07 ... -shame.php

Here's a few Graham quotes for those of you who simply cannot listen to his excuses, waffling and whining.

"I'm going to vote for her because I believe the last election had consequences," Graham said in announcing his support for Kagan. "This president chose someone who is qualified, who has the experience and knowledge to serve on this court ... and understands the difference between being a liberal judge and a politican."

Graham repeatedly noted areas of ideological disagreement between himself and the nominee, emphasizing that she is "a liberal," but said that President Barack Obama "chose wisely" when deciding on a judge who shares his ideology.

Ultimately, "it was not a hard decision for me to make," he said, adding that she "will serve this nation honorably."

Read More.... http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/20 ... ove-kagan-

On the other hand here is how a conservative votes, as stated by Senator Jeff Sessions in an oped published in USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/ed ... 1_ST_N.htm

After carefully reviewing Elena Kagan's record and testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I must oppose her nomination. http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topi ... lena+Kagan

The American people want judges who impartially follow the text of the Constitution. They reject judges who use their power to impose their own political views -- liberal or conservative -- on the nation.

Throughout her career, Ms. Kagan has placed her politics above the law.

She has never been a judge, never tried a case before a jury and has practiced law for only three years. She is the least experienced nominee in the last half-century.

You can read the rest at the source. Link is just above the quotes.

http://www.gopusa.com/fresh-ink/2010/07 ... -shame.php