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Meghan McCain: 'Old School Republicans' Are 'Scared S**tless' of the Future

ABC News' Teddy Davis reports:

John McCain's 24-year old daughter told the Log Cabin Republicans on Saturday that "old school Republicans" are "scared s**tless" of the future in a speech calling for a new brand of Republicanism.

"I think we're seeing a war brewing in the Republican Party," said Meghan McCain. "But it is not between us and Democrats. It is not between us and liberals. It is between the future and the past."

She summed up what she learned while campaigning for her father in three points:

"(1) Most of our nation wants our nation to succeed; (2) most people are ready to move on to the future, not live in the past; and (3) most of the old school Republicans are scared shitless of that future."

McCain described her politics as being "faithful to the original core values of the GOP while open to the realities of our changing world."

Without ever explicitly discussing her support for gay marriage, she signaled her affinity with the gay rights group by stating her support for people living "in full equality with each other."

McCain, who recently signed a book deal with Hyperion, told the Log Cabin Republicans that she was proud to join them in "challenging the mold and the notions of what being a Republican means."

To signal her brand of New Age Republicanism, she interspersed references to her tattoo, black clothing, and gay friends in a section of her speech that was otherwise devoted to her political priorities.

"I am concerned about the environment. I love to wear black. I think government is best when it stays out of people's lives and business as much as possible. I love punk rock. I believe in a strong national defense. I have a tattoo. I believe government should always be efficient and accountable. I have lots of gay friends. And yes, I am a Republican," she said to wild applause.


Like we really care what this moonbat thinks. Your father is so irrelevant it's not even funny. You ought to be scared s--tless too since your stupid party has been deemed irrelevant and will never again win any election of substance and will never again be the majority in this country once the illegals take over. Sure you might win a seat here and there, but you can forget about winning a Senate seat much less the presidency. I don't know why this piece of crap doesn't just switch over so his being a Dem will be official. Seriously there is not one redeeming quality about McQueen and he wonders why he got crushed in the election. Now he's back to stabbing conservatives in the back.