by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Have Americans reduced themselves to a nation of placid sheep? What about our elected representatives?

(Dec. 21, 2011) — The Athenian gods were immortal, but that’s the price of being a God. How surprised some of those Roman Emperors must have been when they found out they were as mortal as their subjects. They might have argued the point, but if the Grim Reaper is anything, I don’t think he’s ever been accused of being a great conversationalist. George Straight sings about “ain’t here for a long time, I’m here for a good time” while Jack London’s “better to live a day as a lion than a lifetime as a sheep” may be a tad more mature. And then you look at the 111th and 112th Congress of these United States and walk away shaking your head: one flock equals 535.

But it’s so much easier just following along, go with the flow, don’t make waves, and, my donnybrook, keep your mouth shut. At least on the surface it’s simpler, but, in the long run, everyone pays a price: at some time, the Piper must get paid, and he doesn’t accept IOU’s. I know guys who worked at the same job that they hated with a passion for thirty years, and when they retired they were beaten down so much, psychologically, that they were incapable of making decisions, not able even to navigate through the treacherous shoals of “Paper or plastic?” at the local grocery store.

But, face it, we need followers; everyone can’t be the Chief, which is what I learned in Cub Scouts: being a good follower is just as important as being a good leader. Sure, some leaders are better than others, but leaders can be followers, too, even while they’re leading and a good example would be to just look at our past presidents during the last forty years: allowing illegal immigrants within our borders and not saying “Adios” to the UN, just to name two egregious examples of what our leaders should have done, but didn’t, leaving us saddled with the problem. Me? No problem here, just kick both unwanted groups out.

Have you noticed that politicians have egos bigger than the state of Texas? The problem is, it’s all hot air, no substance, policy as changing as the tide, whatever it’ll take to get them elected during a particular campaign. Yesterday against abortion, today in favor of abortion. Yesterday against terrorism, today “Don’t say anything negative about Islam.” There’s not one Lion among the sheep. And then look at the joke that is passing himself off as a Christian Citizen Eligible President, when, in fact, Obama is not a Christian, but a Muslim; Is not a citizen of the United States but an illegal immigrant; Is not eligible since he doesn’t meet the criteria to be president according to the Constitution; Is not the president because, even though he was hired for the job, he lied on his application: false Selective Service records, false Social Security number (s), and submitting two (2) fake Birth Certificates, just to cite three of the numerous transgressions against the laws of the United States.

The end result? A nation of sheep, ripe for takeover, which started January 20, 2009, when someone, who isn’t Black (White/Arab, little Black), father was a British subject (makes Obama NOT natural born), a Muslim (our sworn enemy, the enemy of Western Civilization), and he was welcomed by ignorant-uneducated-gullible-fools, who cheered and cried for a slick politician, whose job was to import millions of Muslims into the US and destroy the US economy.

Okay, what are we going to do about it? If there actually is an honest election, Obots and all citizens better elect someone who’ll get the job done to save our country or else there won’t be a country left to save.

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