The magic, the tingle and the thrill were gone

A Messiah Treading Instead of Walking on Water

By Judi McLeod
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There’s a bone-chilling, Siberian-like chill flowing among Obama’s czars today; a biting wind that can’t help but remind them that while seized power doesn’t last forever, the need to pay one’s bills does.

While the hippie czars were trimming their ponytails for the party bound to follow next week’s State of the Union address, something called reality happened.

Some guy, not even a redneck, drove right through Obama’s image as the Messiah leaving it in smithereens. It was a honkin’ green truck, and not even one of those dinky toys promoted by Greenpeace, Maurice Strong, George Soros and company!

The silence at the White House on the First Anniversary of the Obama inauguration is deafening. But in order to see how they’re all feeling, all you have to do is to tune in on the histrionics of MSNBC where the tingle of the thrill is gone.

Call off the cops. Obama senior adviser David Axelrod is not really missing. He’s only hunkering down under all his astroturf. Even the definition of astroturf: “Manufactured grassroots supportâ€