The Financial Oligarchy Reigns: Democracy’s Death Spiral From Greece to the United States

By David DeGraw
AmpedStatus Report
May 10th, 2010

As the Economic Elite continue their plunder, the people in Greece riot and the big banks score yet another big blow against the people of the United States.

I: Democracy Vs. Oligarchy: Lessons from History
II: The Second Civil War: Financial Reform 2010
III: Financial Terrorism Operations: 9/29/08 & 5/6/10
IV: Economic Imperialism and Blowback
V: Propagandized in America
VI: Save Yourself and Take Action

Democracy throughout the world is under attack. Many people can make the argument that our democracy here in America is only an illusion, but even the illusion of democracy is crashing down. Tragedies are currently playing out across the world on an epic scale. Unprecedented economic and environmental catastrophes have become the norm. Billions of people, the overwhelming majority of humanity, have been sentenced to a slow death due to a concentration of wealth and resources within humanity’s economic top 0.5%. Ultimately, short-sighted greed has proven to be humanity’s most severe disease.

I: Democracy Vs. Oligarchy: Lessons from History

The experiment known as democracy is devolving into fascism before our eyes; the “ iron law of oligarchyâ€