JD Hayworth: Sole AZ Conservative Candidate for US Senate

Posted in: Sher Zieve
By Sher Zieve
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 1:48:43 PM ET

Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing former Arizona US Congressman J.D. Hayworth and current Conservative candidate for US Senator from Arizona. Congressman Hayworth is running against the liberal-progressive incumbent Sen. John McCain. The McCain machine is well-oiled and presents a formidable opponent to those who want to preserve the US Republic. However, J.D. believes the momentum for a resuscitation and reinstatement of the principles upon which our country was founded are with him and his campaign. Below is a candid interview of Conservative candidate J.D. Hayworth.

J.D. Hayworth BIO: Hayworth, John D., Jr., a Representative from Arizona; born in Highpoint, Guilford County, N.C., July 12, 1958; graduated from High Point Central High School, Highpoint, N.C., 1976; B.A., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., 1980; television journalist; radio journalist; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourth and five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1995-January 3, 2007). J.D. hosted a Phoenix drive time talk radio program from April 2007-January 2010 when he quit his popular show to run for the US Senate against liberal Republican candidate Sen. John McCain.

The Interview

Sher: First, thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me and for giving my readers an in-depth look at where you stand on the extreme issues now facing our country. You are up against Sen. McCain’s very powerful liberal and progressive money machine. Although there are a multitude of differences, please tell us some of the definitive ways in which your ideologies and actions would differ from your opponent and the ways in which you plan to win against McCain in the Arizona US Senate race.

J.D.: Sher, this is your classic conservative versus moderate race on virtually every issue. Whether the issue is taxes, spending, earmarks, protecting the 2nd Amendment, the sanctity of life, illegal immigration, or national security, John McCain has staked out positions that are to the left of most Arizonans. I am running to offer a consistent conservative voice for Arizona. In such a limited space it isn’t possible to list every single difference, but to quickly compare, my lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union is almost 98. McCain’s is 81 and falling. I helped write the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that John McCain campaigned against. John McCain supported the massive bailouts and earmarks that I opposed, all $850+ Billion of them. McCain wrote the amnesty bill that the Heritage Foundation estimated would cost the taxpayers $2.6 Trillion (with a “Tâ€