Stop and Listen to us!

Mr. Obama We Have now asked you Nicely but Firmly

By Sher Zieve
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mr. Obama: As you flew quickly toward your counter-demonstration (avoiding the increasing crowds of the American people) stacked with only your supporters, in order to further push your anti-American and anti-human ObamaCare agenda, we were gathering in the streets of our now commandeered-by-you White House.

As we 1.2-2 Millions strong Americans lined the streets of Washington D.C. and many hundreds of thousands more of us in state capitols on Saturday, you spoke to a hand-picked crowd of between 10-15,000 in Minnesota. Where you continue to tell us that your planned and now attempted implementation of the death and destruction of our country and We-the-People is good for us, we have finally said nicely but, firmly “stop and listen to us!â€