Found in many processed foods
We know through many studies that the effect of excitotoxins, especially MSG, is cumulative.

Excitotoxins kill brain cells. They have been linked to behavioral problems in children, to macular degeneration, and to a host of other symptoms.

The amount of MSG in our food has increased dramatically since 1960, from 12 grams per person per year to 500 grams in 2000.

I grew up on the 60s and 70s and
I remember my older relatives saying:

"I've never seen so many sick kids."

I find myself saying the same thing

What's behind the epidemic in
obesity, behavioral problems and
lower intelligence?

Poisons in the food supply...put
there make a buck.

A very important talk about a substance
widely used, little understood and never
discussed by the mainstream media.


Dangerous foods MSG - an excitotoxin that kills brain cells

- Brasscheck

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