MSNBC denounced the Tea Party as overwhelmingly White. Will the network denounce illegal aliens as overwhelmingly Hispanic?

The Obama Nag, Body Armor Disparities & Dobsonian Maoists

By Dr. Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

MSNBC denounced the Tea Party as overwhelmingly White. Will the network denounce illegal aliens as overwhelmingly Hispanic?

Cops should have probably shot the owner along with or rather instead of the dog at a DC street festival. As with people that drag newborns out into extreme cold or heat, often those that have to drag their dogs to mass gatherings unless they are seeing-eye type dogs merely want attention for themselves and don’t really care about their animals.

First Nag Michelle Obama believes restaurants should serve more apples and less butter. And that is from someone that’s probably barely cooked a meal in her entire adult life. Her mother lives with here and she has had a chef on her staff back when she was a nobody just like the rest of us. Frankly, if one goes out to eat, one is going out for the slop. One can eat healthy at home.

The government is deploying X-ray vans to gather intelligence of motorists. The stated purpose is to find contraband such as weapons, narcotics, and human smuggling. But given the Obamas’ propensity to control every aspect of your existence, what is to prevent them from determining what kinds of foods you are purchasing at the supermarket?

Bob Schieffer condemned John Boehner for smoking. Did the CBS correspondent ever go after with similar vehemence Ted Kennedy’s boozing, whoremongering, and generalized subservience to Moscow? Is Bob Schieffer going to point out the medical drawbacks to Barney Frank of the alternative lifestyle wallowed in by the lisp-speaking Massachussetts Congressman?

Time magazine’s 2010 annual national service issue insists to “Teach Is To Serveâ€