The Multi-Century GREAT GAME Comes to an Epoch-Ending Climax

Posted on February 24, 2022 by State of the Nation

US-UK-EU-NATO forces Russia to
invade Ukraine…

…in order to set up the global
geopolitical chessboard for their
long-planned World War III

State of the Nation
Just as the world witnessed prior to First and Second World Wars, the New World Order globalist cabal and international banksters are manipulating/coercing nations everywhere to set the stage for an apocalyptic global conflict.
In point of fact, the major moves and massive maneuvers being executed on the global geopolitical chessboard since 9/11 are quite similar to the naked warmongering by the Anglo-American Axis prior to both World War I & II.
As always, Europe is ground zero for this utterly manufactured global conflict.
Whereas World War I was deliberately triggered in Sarajevo, Bosnia is southern Europe and World War II was intentionally started in Poland (Eastern Europe), World War III is being quite purposefully provoked in Eastern Europe—the Ukraine.
But why are these world wars always staged in Europe?
Here’s why:

The Zio-Anglo-American Axis knows that a close political/economic alliance between Germany and Russia would spell the final end of the dying US-UK Empire. The Western political establishment will simply not tolerate this; nor will the wealthy elites of US-UK-EU accept the ascendancy of a Russian-German power structure built around the most powerful economic engine the world has ever seen.
What the elites are really afraid of is the natural marriage of German capital, technology, market monopolies and industrial efficiency with Russian natural resources, manpower, scientific knowhow and industrial capacity. Such an economic powerhouse and financial union scares the living daylights out of London and Washington and Tel Aviv.
The West especially knows that a continuous flow of Russian natural gas and oil to Germany is just the beginning of a much closer trading relationship, which the US-UK-EU-NATO warmongers will block by any means. Hence, the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is determined to provoke a devastating war between Russia and Ukraine in order to thwart any movement toward detente between Berlin and Moscow.
(Source: IT’S WAR! A Zio-Anglo-American War Against Russia)
Of course, there are many other quite significant reasons why the rapidly dying US-UK Empire is pushing Russia and her allies into this war to end all wars, specifically in 2022.
What follows are some of the primary objectives and main motives behind the commencement of the Ukraine War at this particular time in world history.

(1) Free-Fall Collapse of the Worldwide Covid Tyranny

(2) Replacement of COVID-19 Pandemic with the
“War on Climate Change”

(3) Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic and
Financial System

(4) Acceleration of the Great Reset via Digital Crypto-

(5) Expeditious Implementation of UN Agendas 21 and

(6) Establishment of a One World Government &
Global Security Superstate

(7) Creation of a New World Order via Ordo Ab Chao
in the Wake of World War III

What the entire planetary civilization will experience throughout the highly consequential period of 2022/2023 cannot be avoided. Exactly what eventualities can be somewhat averted and/or mitigated remains to be seen.
The Western powers have painstakingly fabricated a dire convergence of circumstances throughout the world community of nation which have firmly set the trajectory for World War III.
At this very late date, because the NWO warmongers have carved out such a deep and wide groove toward regional war in Eastern and Central Europe, their end goal of World War III seems inevitable.
However, all of these globalist schemes and bankster enterprises are designed to accomplish their ultimate ambition explained in the exposé below.

2022: The Controlled Demolition of Everything

State of the Nation
February 24, 2022

The Multi-Century GREAT GAME Comes to an Epoch-Ending Climax | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (