Amnesty is but one issue and this administration is trying to kill America from many different directions. If you don't understand that yet then there is little hope for you. Obama is not an American he continues to fight the majority of Americans on every issue. Our freedom of speech, our right to bear arms. He belittles this country deliberately by apologizing for our past actions.

William I agree with you. I would like to see him impeached along with Janet the I don't know what I'm doing Napolitano. They will all continue to attempt to sell amnesty because like the bailout and the healthcare plan they know it will cripple America financially and once that happens Americans will become followers.

Obama does not represent the American way of life but rather try's to play the role of a king and wants people to idolize him. The media makes me sick when they refer to this guy as a great orator or wordsmith. Everything is written for him and even at that without a teleprompter he blows it. He has no experience in foreign relations or the military or the treasury. He has surrounded himself with the same mentality of people. These people will do and continue to do damage to America and this may never be able to be undone.

Please understand the time for political correctness has long passed. The obama administration has challenged the American people by telling us they don't care what the majority of us want for this country. That they will do what they want to when they want to. This is not the American way but rather the way a dictator rules. We put the laws in place and obey them. They refuse to enforce them and call us racists. They refuse to close our borders and because of this Americans are being killed daily. Terrorist have implanted themselves in our country and many more of us will die because of that.

I am sick of being told not to call a spade a spade. If you do the crime then you are what you are be it an extremist Muslim terrorist or a crazed tanager killer. Can we agree terrorist have no writes!

You cannot keep asking yourself why your senators or congressman vote a particular way! Look closely and you will find both parties are signing off on the same bills. Understand that don't care what you think. Understand the system is broke!! We must replace all of them!! Can it be done? Yes and by 2012. Go to and read the plan!