On a recent podcast of the Alex Jones Show (May 22), Alex and his special guest - movie director Aaron Russo (America:From Freedom To Fascism) were discussing strategies on how to help Ron Paul and what it could mean if he doesn't get the nomination.

I attempted to transcribe portions of this segment to the best of my abilitiy. It was late at night so it may not be exactly verbatium, but I wanted to post this as soon as possible:


This segment begns with the discusson that Russo believes this next debate is crucial for Dr.Paul and that he has to go after Guiliani. Also, if he continues to do well, they will pull out all the stops to end his success.

Aaron Russo also believes they’ll try moving up the debates.

AR: Let’s say if he starts winning Ohio and NH. You’ll start seeing the big states pushing their primaries way up earlier in the year. So there’s no time to raise money so he can compete. He has no money compared to the other guys. And that’s the tactic they will use first and formost.

AJ: Becasue then you can’t go have fights in each state. Then it’s all at once, so that is better for the big money candidates like Giuliani with hundreds of millions of dollars. If you have hundreds of millions of dollars put away, as opposed to 1 or 2 million, you can’t run any campaign all across the country. You’ll just run puff campaign ads .

AR: And he can’t hire the staff he needs everywhere. So the problem is that they are going to get him on the money.

- OK, so what does that mean to all the listeners? Ron Paul needs money NOW. Not later. We need to build him up a war chest.

AJ: 1-800-RON PAUL. And even if you think he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of doing it, he’s put his soul and his treasure and his blood, where his mouth is. He’s out in the arena and we need to be out with him.

AR: We have to stand behind the guy. He’s absolutely standing up for us. The truth is, in my mind, and I’m pretty good at these things - it’s now or never. We’re facing it folks. It’s staring us right in the face. We’re about to lose America if we haven’t lost it yet. We’re so close to the edge of this country being changed - the most wonderful country in the world.. The greatest government in the world..

AJ: And isn’t it poignant? I mean really spiritual. It’s like two opposing forces.. that at this critical time.. that the movement was big enough, that the internet had gotten large enough, and that Ron Paul was ready. And he said he didn’t think it would be this big. He just thought he would be able to inject some debate into things and now he really does have a chance.

AR: Yes he does have a chance. Because there’s no one in the Republican Party. They have nobody. Nobody cares about McCain and Guiliani. They’re all manufactured by the press. And now Ron Paul has gone ahead and done it.

AJ: And by the way, the Globalists strategy was to have a bunch of weak candidates. Real Republicans - and I don’t mean “good guyâ€