I sent this email to the seven Republican members of the US Senate Judiciary Committee. They are: Sen. Kyl, Graham, Grassley, Cornyn, Coburn, Hatch, and Sessions and can be found here:http://judiciary.senate.gov/about/members.cfm
The main webpage is at: http://judiciary.senate.gov/
There are webcasts you can watch of Committee hearings which effect immigration at this time.


I am concerned that Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee may not forge a united coalition to withstand the radical direction being introduced into Congress through that Committee. While I appreciate the hard work of the Senators on that committee, I feel that sweeping changes are being proposed that will radically reshape US society, and which stem from partisan political interests instead of an honest assessment of our country's needs.

E.G. Sen. Leahy has introduced his "Uniting American's Families Act" a very misleadingly named bill, since it has nothing to do with traditional families, and has very little, in fact, to do with Americans. I am not sure what purpose Sen. Leahy has in mind in introducing this bill. They try to paint it as a "rights' issue. Americans respect the rights of all, including minorities, but we have a hard time accepting concepts that contradict reason--such as same sex marriage. And then to welcome the relatives of these same sex partners to the US, through our already excessive family reunification policy? Where does Sen. Leahy stop in his giveaway of the benefits of US residency and citizenship?

Sen. Schumer has been conducting hearings for his intended goal of legalizing the 12-15 million illegals here. Sen. Schumer, who has stacked committee hearings with people who support his views, contends that our borders are now secure. Are we secure with hundreds of drug fugitives on the loose or when foreign citizens pose as constituents and lobby the US Congress? Are we secure when new tunnels are discovered beneath our southern border or when truckloads and boatloads of illegal aliens are discovered trying to enter the US? One need only read the official reports of ICE and US CBP to know we are still apprehending hundreds of criminals at great expense to US taxpayers. Sen. Schumer wantonly ignores these dangers in his goal of finding new Democratic Party voters.

To these forces that want to radically change the makeup of US society the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor is of paramount importance. Even though her views are biased they are hoping that the appointment of such a person to the US Supreme Court will validate the biased views of activist organizations that have for years been encouraging illegal immigration.

We are now seeing the abuses of Chicago Machine style politics--laden with schemes and high handed tricks--transferred to the federal process as well. They will take any chance to try to cement a permanent Democratic Party majority, and Pres. Obama threw a bone to certain ethnic groups in nominating Sonia Sotomayor.

Please, Senator, stand with your Republican colleagues to stop these efforts in the Judiciary Committee. Your opponents may want you to play fair, but they will not do so themselves. They are now drunk with power and the Judiciary Committee is virtually our only hope of stopping this madness.
