Patriots - Make History And Earn A Living!
By Devvy Kidd

"Our Republic and its press (media) will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press (media), with trained intelligence to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it, can preserve the public virtue, without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press (media) will produce, in time, a people as base (rotten) as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalism of future generations." Joseph Pulitzer, American newspaper publisher.

How many newspapers today will cover the constitutional issue of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barry Dunham, regarding his eligibility to serve as president of these United States of America? A couple of newspapers east of the Mississippi have done so over the past week, but they did it kicking and screaming all the way. However, they have all slanted the coverage to portray it as being a negative issue, instead of the issue being of paramount importance: Does the U.S. Constitution matter anymore?

Pete Williams of NBC went so far as to deliberately (or through profound intellectual laziness) misrepresent Leo Donofrio's case. Please do watch this nine-minute video of Leo explaining yellow journalism here: ... re=related

America's newspapers used to report news. But for decades now, they manipulate the news to benefit the agenda of those who control the purse strings.

It isn't just the conspiracy of silence by newspapers in this country regarding Obama. Major newspapers carry the same columnists year after year, who do nothing more than parrot political party lines. Their editorial pages are consistently filled with drivel to promote a new world order agenda with cleverly worded essays. In the 19 years I have been in this 'restore America' movement, I have never seen a major newspaper touch the critical issues from a constitutional perspective, or a legal one for that matter. Nor have they covered issues like the privately-owned Federal Reserve System, Social Security and the withholding taxing schemes.

How many newspapers carry columns by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Norman Grigg, Jim Schwiesow, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Betty Freauf, and too many other superb writers to list? Instead, they carry the same worn-out political hacks like Michelle Malkin, George Will, Ann Coulter, and a roster of anti-American "progressives" found in publications like the New York Times.

Due to budget constraints, small to medium town newspapers simply pick up syndicated columnists, as well as the slanted, biased coverage of world events from Reuter's or AP. Back in 1935, Arthur Henning of the Chicago Tribune said, "The New Deal will bring the Communist Party within striking distance of an overthrow of the American form of government. ...". In the same year, Mark Sullivan of the Buffalo Evening News was even more alarmed when he said, "...The New Deal is to America what the early phase of Nazism was to Germany."

That was back when newspapers were still independently owned and operated. For decades now, only propaganda promoting world government is served up on your doorstep every morning. Over the past two years we have seen every major newspaper in this country promote an open Marxist like Barack Hussein Obama as some intelligent (which he's not) know-it-all who will save the good old US of A. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

Not one single newspaper in this country has brought forth the idea that maybe, just maybe, there are unanswered, reasonable questions about the events of September 11, 2001. Instead, anyone, regardless of their station in life, profession, race, religion or party who dares question the government's fairytale is excoriated and labeled as "wing nuts" or worse. Small regional papers that do such a fine job and have covered reasonable questions about 9/11 are considered "fringe." You and I know the reasons why, and yet tens of millions of Americans don't.

The Internet has done wonders to expose the corrupt "mainstream" media -- and the biased agendas of cable networks, including FOX News Network and their phony "fair and balanced" motto. However, newspapers reach millions of Americans and we need one that carries information about hard-hitting groups like Truth Attack and the income tax.

There are a number of small newspapers throughout the country that have been serving their areas for years, but have never had the resources to become nationwide. As major newspapers face extinction, because Americans refuse to continue buying their product, a huge void is being left to fill.

Six months ago, I began writing about a new major newspaper, USA Tomorrow. Interest was keen and overwhelming each time I wrote about them. So much so, that requests for a complimentary copy of that paper drowned the staff so that some papers didn't get mailed out in a timely fashion. That has been corrected and operations are now moving along smoothly. While that was regrettable, the wonderful upside is that the response has been so positive, along with demand for copies of the paper.

The first edition of the newspaper went out to 1.5 million homes. The second edition was a special for the GOP Convention up in St. Paul, Minn. Hundreds of copies were also left at hotels like mine outside of St. Paul and I even saw people reading it over breakfast. Imagine that. Media, delegates and tourists were all sitting there reading articles by yours truly, Edwin Vieira, Chuck Baldwin and others. It made my heart sing!

The third edition of USA Tomorrow will come out soon and one of the lead stories is mine. It is critical information on the withholding taxing scheme and why it must be eliminated. The solutions to boosting our economy are there, but Congress refuses to implement them. Instead, they continue to borrow trillions of dollars to fund unconstitutional spending, while our economy slides further into a depression. My column in edition three should really get Americans talking and wondering why Congress refuses to implement solutions, instead of more looting from the fruits of your labor.

It is exactly this type of information that needs to get to millions of Americans that makes USA Tomorrow so needed. As all these newspapers continue to fold or lay-off, a new opportunity is now knocking.

Here's where you can make money during these hard times and help make history. I sincerely feel badly for good, decent Americans who work for these newspapers who have no say over editorial content or choice of columnists. However, the bright side is that as USA Tomorrow expands to a nationwide paper on a regular publishing basis, it will create lots of jobs. We can make that happen.

USA Tomorrow needs distributors for the paper. Americans have been signing up at a good clip, so the idea is to have at least one distributor in each of our 3,141 counties in the U.S. and saturate this country with the paper. Cover America with the truth so that those who do care about the solutions can have solid, accurate data and information to fight the tyranny coming out of Washington, DC.

It won't be career politicians that save and rebuild this country. It will be we the people and the flow of information is critical. Back in the "old" days when this republic was being birthed, there were publications like the 'Town Crier.' These were a couple of pages front and back that carried news of freedom and the great debates of the time. That is how the colonials learned of what the proper role of government should be and how they were being stomped under a repressive monarchy.

FOX News spends time covering the antics of asinine 'pop tarts' like Britney Spears or a traffic accident in Shreveport, LA., while completely ignoring the solutions to the massive problems facing America. Major newspapers use their rags to promulgate world government, instead of hard-hitting commentary which educates the American people with facts, instead of propaganda. Newspaper subscriptions are on the decline because the product is no good. Americans are hungry for the truth and we the people can get it to them.

Do you need some extra part/time or full/time income? Do you want to see real news and constitutionally-oriented commentary and legal columns that educate our fellow Americans in a newspaper? Would you like to become part of history by making USA Tomorrow a nationwide newspaper? This publication is not a daily newspaper. It is staggered over weeks. But as more and more newspapers are distributed, and people subscribe, and advertisers realize that the USA Tomorrow is the place for their precious advertising dollars, the newspaper will be able to expand its frequency of distribution. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.

There are excellent, patriotic talk radio shows all across the country. Due to technology, many TV-style shows are becoming available online who focus on exposing the destroyers and their agendas, as well as guests who can articulately inform the viewing audience about the big picture. Now is the time when we need a major newspaper like USA Tomorrow in every city and county in the U.S. Reaching tens of millions of Americans can't be done with the Internet alone.

When you think about the small number of counties in the U.S. (3,141) you're talking a relatively small number of distributors in order to reach a huge number of the 170 million adult-age Americans. Roughly 52% of American households have a PC, with almost two billion pages of content on the world-wide-web.

Americans do want a hard copy newspaper. It's just that the current product out there is worthless and so full of propaganda. Americans no longer want to spend their money on them. USA Tomorrow is a full, 24-page professional newspaper receiving rave reviews because of its content and professionalism.

I encourage you to call USA Tomorrow and speak with one of their reps. The phone number is: 1-800-398-5161. Become a distributor. Make money while helping our country. Millions of Americans are up in arms about the newspapers in this country and the biased content that they carry. Are YOU now ready to do something about it?

You can also contact them by email at:

Also, inquire about getting a bundle of the first two editions to pass out at VFW Halls, your local library, or any place where meetings are held. Just make sure to ask permission.

I have given them out at my citizen's group meetings here in my small town and down to the local VFW. Everyone was happy to get them. Make like a modern day Paul Revere!

If you want to see the content of the paper first, you can request a complimentary copy of USA Tomorrow to be sent to you by going to their web site:

or by writing them an email:

or by calling in at:


Share this with friends, family and business colleagues. We can cover America with the truth AND solutions.


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